Fight Flu - Start from You

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Mak WH, Lee LN, Kaur M, Wong SL, Wong SY, Li SY, Kwan TF, Wong SLE, Lo KL, Shit KY, Wong MY, Wong WY, Chuk MY, Lai YK, Tam MT, Wong KM, Lee LC, Chui ST
Affiliation :
Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital
Introduction :
In line with Government Vaccination Program 2018/19, hospital took an active role for staff seasonal vaccination to prevent outbreak of influenza-like illness within hospital compound. As one of the specialties of the hospital, Department of Surgery joined the program without reservation. Two vaccination depots were assigned. Vaccination period was from 15 October to 16 November 2018 from 14:30 to 16:30 (Monday to Friday) except holiday.
Objectives :
1. Encourage surgical staff to have early vaccination to reduce morbidity due to influenza-like illness 2. Reduce risk of transmitting influenza to patients especially those are at high risk of complications and morbidity from influenza 3. Facilitate surgical staff to receive vaccines near their working area at their convenience
Methodology :
1. A task force was formed in department for implementation of the program in 3Q 2018. 2. Group members were met and logistics of the program were planned. 3. Two vaccination depots were assigned. - SACC (7HK), Day Treatment Block and Children Wards (Old Block) - Rehabilitation Gymnasium, Room 08A29, Main Clinical Block and Trauma Centre 4. Responsible staff were arranged to attend VOM briefing prior to implementation of the program 5. Dissemination of the program to surgical wards and other departments. 6. Compilation of duty (SHS) for manpower support 7. Questionnaire was designed for evaluation of staff’s satisfaction to implementation of the program.
Result & Outcome :
388 staff received vaccination during the captioned period at the two designated depots including doctors (46), nurses (170), allied health (14), supporting (96), TUNS and administrative staff (62). There were 298 questionnaires received. The result was very encouraging. The staff expressed that they were very satisfied with the time schedule (81.88%) and the two vaccination depots (82.89%) arranged as they could receive vaccines near their work place and during duty hour. Most of the staff (86.58%) commented that the provision of services by the captioned depots was excellent. The staff stated that injection technique of the nurses was good and would like to extend service hours. Overall, the staff were happy (85.23%) about the ‘Staff Influenza Vaccination Program’ which was provided by department. Conclusion The staff satisfaction survey demonstrated the successfulness of the implementation of the ‘Staff Influenza Vaccination Program 2018’ in Department of Surgery, PWH.

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