Effectiveness of Conservative Nursing Management in Women with Overactive Bladder Syndrome

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Fan YSJ(1), Cheung HW(2), Ying KY(3), Cheon WC(4)
Affiliation :
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Introduction :
Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) is defined as a complex urinary symptoms by International Continence Society (ICS) as the presence of urinary urgency, urinary frequency and nocturia with or without urge urinary incontinence. OAB is common among clients attending Urogynaecology Nurse clinic with negative impact on clients’ quality of life & social function.
Objectives :
To review the efficacy of conservative nursing management with bladder training and behavioural modification in the management of OAB
Methodology :
Case notes of new clients with OAB referred to Urogynaecolgy Nurse Clinic from Jan 2015 to Dec 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. Conservation nursing management with bladder training and life style modification were taught. Clients’ conditions were reviewed 4 months later.
Result & Outcome :
214 clients were included for analysis with mean age of 58.56 (17- 88 years old) The mean duration of problem was 4.36 years. (1 month to 35 years). After 4 months treatment: 1. Clients with urge urinary incontinence was reduced from 90.2% to 71.0% (p=0.000 X 2 test). 2. Clients with urgency sensation for urination were reduced from 59.8% to 21.5% (p= 0.004 X 2 test). 3. Clients with voiding difficulties were reduced from 32.7% to 13.6% (p= 0.000 X 2 test). 4. Clients with incomplete bladder emptying were reduced from 31.3% to 20.1% (p-0.000 X 2 test) 5. Clients had reduction in mean daytime frequency of urination from 1.42 hourly to 2.43 hourly (p= 0.000 paired t test). 6. Clients’ mean night time voiding frequency were reduced from 1.82 time to 1.11 time (p=0.000 paired t test), 7. Mean post void residual urine (PVRU) were reduced from 36.74ml to 30.81ml (p= 0.288 paired t test) 8. Mean ICIQ score was reduced from 9.28 to 7.57 (p= 0.000 paired t test). 9. 57.9% & 29.0% clients expressed overall subjective feeling of mostly dissatisfied, unhappy or terrible, on their urinary symptoms before & after treatment respectively. Conservative nursing management with bladder training and behavioural modification are effective management for clients with OAB. It saves health care resources with alleviation of disease condition.

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