Essential Rehabilitation Information in a Platform

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Ku BPS(1), Pang JYW(1), Cheung NT(1), Hui HL(1), Tsui WWH(1), Cai KY(1), Chung IWY(2), Poon PYH(2), Poon LYW(2), Choi CYS(3), Ha TKH(3)
Affiliation :
(1) Information Technology and Health Informatics Division (2) Cluster Services Division (3) Strategy & Planning Division
Introduction :
Rehabilitation aims to enhance patients’ functional independence and facilitates their integration into the community. The Strategic Service Framework (SSF) has set forth the framework for improving service coverage and quality to rehabilitation services. Information technology is considered one of the key enabler to strengthen effective service implementation along patient journey and enhance communication between different stakeholders. Under the leadership of the Task Group on e-Rehabilitation, a plan has been formulated to construct two integrated rehabilitation platforms for Fracture Hip and Stroke conditions which are both very complex and high in service demand in the Hospital Authority.
Objectives :
To construct integrated rehabilitation platforms for conditions of Hip Fracture and Stroke on ePR that contain essential clinical information to allow health care professionals to: 1)Grasp essential rehabilitation information of patients instantly; 2)Monitor patient performance; 3)Plan and assign appropriate rehabilitation activities
Methodology :
Rehabilitation of patients with fracture hip or stroke is a very complex procedure involving multidisciplinary input and the service span can extend from acute to rehabilitation / convalescent hospitals. There are a variety of clinical forms from different healthcare professions capturing essential patient clinical outcomes at different time point of care. However, it is extremely time consuming and tedious for a clinician to retrieve information from a heap of forms and come up with an updated impression of patient rehabilitation progress. Let alone the difficulty of clinicians from rehabilitation / convalescent setting who need to know the essential patient outcomes in acute setting. The design of the integrated rehabilitation platform follows these principles: 1)Display specifically outcomes of patients suffering from hip fracture or stoke; 2)Retrieve information from existing electronic forms to assemble the platforms thereby eliminate the need for colleagues to double entry data; 3)Display only core outcomes from different health care disciplines to keep the platform simple and easy to read; 4)Different time points of outcome in an episode should be included which entails: Pre-morbid, Initial Assessment when admitted and Final Assessment before discharge; 5)Outcomes from different episode of care (acute and rehabilitation) can be displayed in reverse chronological order. With these requirements gathered, different IT and HI teams gathered to formulate the construction of such integrated rehabilitation platforms.
Result & Outcome :
The Hip Fracture and Stroke Integrated Rehabilitation Platforms are built under the Note Items of ePR. The platforms contain the following domains of information: 1)General  Function and Mobility; 2)Cognitive; 3)Social; 4)Nutrition; 5)Swallowing; 6)Neurological; 7)Emotion. Contributing clinical departments include Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Medical Social Service, Dietitian and Nurse. The platform enables displaying of information based on episode and different episodes of care can be viewed in time sequence. The platforms allow viewing of essential information in virtually one page and fit into the clinical requirement for use of data in patient monitoring and treatment planning. The construction of the two integrated rehabilitation platforms on ePR is a breakthrough in gathering, retrieving and displaying of clinical information in assisting clinical workflow. It is designed to be disease specific, minimize duplicate data entry and displayed according to clinical data need. The two integrated rehabilitation platforms are launched in August 2018. Feedback gathered from clinical users is very encouraging and request has been received to extend the platform to include data in community setting. Further study would be conducted to investigate the possibility to include other disease and further refine the data included in the platforms.

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