KCC FM&GOPC Staff Wellness Activities-Parental Talks Series

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Ho KM,Ho CP, Leung SH,Li YC
Affiliation :
Family Medicine & General Out-Patient Clinics
Introduction :
Nowadays, breeding children would be a challenging task to most of our parents. Everyday afterwork, our colleagues have to change roles as parents at home. Being parents would be a lifelong work. Sometimes, it would cause stress to our colleagues which may affect their work. Our colleagues may find it difficulty to understand their children especially when they are young. And when their children grow up, our colleagues may concern about their learning ability which may affect their school performance. KCC Department of FM&GOPC would not only concern our staff ‘s working stress, but also family stress from child-caring. A series of parental talks had been held to advice our colleagues how to help their children in learning especially those with specific learning difficulties and how to understand their children through drawing activities.
Objectives :
The objectives are to promote a sense of belonging among staff of KCC FM&GOPC through a series of parental talks and promote friendship and sharing through staff wellness activities among staff of KCC FM&GOPC.
Methodology :
A series of parental talks had been held from June to August 2018. The topics of the talk were as follow: 1)中文認字好EASY(1 session) -to explain the short term Chinese characters quick memory method -to explain how to assist children to change short term memory to long term memory -to teach a systemic Chinese recognition-reading method with examples -to offer practical task to assist parents to prepare their children for future interview and long term reading and writing 2)打好英語根基,由家長做起!(2 sessions) -to assist parents to handle children with mirror writing/reverse character writing(鏡面字/反寫字) problem -to teach a funny way to memorise English characters shapes and letter name -to teach simple and quick memory method of letter sound for children -to explain how to enhance children ‘s phonics(英語拼音) ability -to teach the essential skills of blending phonics for kindergarten children -to discuss how to follow children’s learning progress with practical example 3)童畫童真-從繪畫了解孩子心 (1 session) -to introduce the relationship between drawing and mental state -to explain how to analysis children‘s drawing to understand their thoughts -to practice drawing analysis
Result & Outcome :
There were 41 colleagues enrolled in the parental talks. Some of the colleagues attended the talks with their spouses. Questionnaires had been given to colleagues to review the talks. About the talk ’打好英語根基,由家長做起!‘, attendees thought the talk could increase their confidence in teaching characters recognition-reading in children(Pre vs Post average rate, 4.9 vs 7.8, p=0.0009). Second, about 71% of attendees‘ children had mirror writing/reverse writing problem. And attendees thought the talk could increase their confidence in helping their children to solve mirror writing/reverse character writing problem(Pre vs Post average rate, 3.8 vs 8,p=0.0001). Third, around one-third of attendees(36%) and their children(30%) learnt phonics before. The attendees had fair knowledge about phonics(average rate 3.8 out of 10). The attendees thought the talk could increase their confidence in helping their children in blending phonics(Pre vs Post average rate, 3.9 vs 7.3, p=0.0005). About the talk ’童畫童真-從繪畫了解孩子心‘,most attendees thought the talk could increase their understanding of drawing psychology(Average rate 7.4 out of 10). Second, most attendees thought they are confidence in analysing child‘s drawing(average rate 6.9 out of 10). Third, most of the attendees thought the talk is practicable(average rate 7.9 out of 10). Forth, most of the attendees thought the speaker is helpful(average rate 7.5 out of 10). Attendees showed interests in other parental talk topics including children’s reading interest and ability enhancement, English spelling ability enhancement etc. In the future, KCC FM&GOPC staff wellness activities could consider those parental talks topics for our colleagues to enhance their belongings to our department.

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