Authors (including presenting author) :
Poon YC(1), Wong KW(1), Wong HT(1), Lo SO(1), Yeung MF(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Intensive Care Unit, Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Introduction :
Lean management is a method to eliminate waste but maintaining productivity. Lean in TKOH ICU/HDU is our management philosophy to bring positive impact on our service to the clients. Changing bed sheet is a daily mission in ICU/HDU to keep high infection control standard. On the other hand, it is a time consuming and high-risk manual handling procedure. We had been introducing an efficient Bed making procedure (BMP) aims to reduce time and prevent staff injury during procedure.
Objectives :
To facilitate the lean management on BMP in ICU/HDU. To increase the overall efficiency. To eliminate the injury during BMP. To acknowledge staff concern and engagement.
Methodology :
Risk of MHO was first identified through direct observation and staff interviews. Disposable mattress cover was introduced to replace the current use of bed sheet. It is a single patient used item and waterproof, therefore contaminant can be easily wiped off. As a result, an occupied bed is seldom required to change bed sheet. It conserves the principle of high-level infection control. In addition to, lean in time and manual handling.
Result & Outcome :
Pilot period will be held within Jan-Jun 2019. Questionnaires and group interviews will be employed to evaluate result and outcome of the project. Items include staff satisfactory level on manual handling operation and time saving will take in account for evaluation.