Implementation of Osteoporosis Phone Direct Enquiry Service (OPD-ES) to maintain good service quality in the context of increasing patient load

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Abstract Description


The volume of patients with osteoporosis has been increasing in recent years due to multiple reasons. The frequency of follow-up for old cases in Osteoporosis Clinic has lengthened from 24+/-3 weeks in 2013 to 34+/-2 weeks in 2016. Such a lengthening is also contributed by the advanced age of osteoporosis patients as travelling may sometimes be difficult. In order to maintain our service quality, a nurse-led program, the Osteoporosis Phone Direct Enquiry Service (OPD-ES) has been implemented since Nov 2017.


1.To enhance service quality and continuity of care to patient with osteoporosis with lengthening follow-up duration; 2.To evaluate the effectiveness of OPD-ES


OPD-ES functions as an active communication channel between patients, their carers and health care professionals. A direct hotline operated in office hours allows patients and carers to actively seek advices from healthcare workers concerning their disease management in between their routine follow-up sessions. After addressing the enquiries immediately over the phone, nurse clinics are arranged for patients requiring individual education or counselling. All enquiries concerning patients’ medical condition are discussed in case conferences with in-charge physicians. Ad-hoc medical consultation appointment is arranged if considered necessary by the physician. The effectiveness of the service was assessed by the number of cases who used the service, and number of ad-hoc follow-up sessions arranged. Reasons of phone enquiries were also analysed.

Results & Outcome

463 (94% female) patients attended Osteoporosis Clinic from Nov 2017 to Nov 2018. All were put on anti-osteoporotic agents (Denosumab: 234, 50.5%; Bisphosphonates: 211, 45.6%; Teriparatide: 16, 3.5%; and Strontium: 2, 0.4%). 237 (51.2%) patients and/ or carers used OPD-ES. Reasons of enquiries included use of anti-osteoporotic agents (143, 30.9%), issues related to dental complaints or procedures (65, 14.0%) and changes in medical condition (29, 6.3%). 54 (22.8%) patients were arranged for education and counselling in nurse clinic, and 25 (10.5%) patients required ad-hoc medical consultation (medication intolerance: 9; new fracture: 7; deranged renal function: 5; stroke: 2; dental issue related to bisphosphonate osteonecrosis of jaw: 2). OPD-ES functions effectively to enhance good service quality and maintain good continuity of care to patients with osteoporosis who have long follow up duration. The program also empowers patients and carers to participate actively in their disease management through the service.



Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Loong HNC(1), Lam KYJ(1), Lui TWD(1), Lee CHA(1), Lee CHP(2), Leung LYE(1), Lam SLK(2), Tan CBK(2), Woo YC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital (2)Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

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