The Effectiveness of Training Programme: Update on Gerontological Nursing - Improve competency of Nurses in Gerontological Nursing

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Sun MP (1), Chan YH Grace (2)(3), Leung CK (2),Mak LS (2)
Affiliation :
(1)Central Nursing Division, (2) Geriatric Medical Unit,(3) Tuberculosis & Chest Medical Unit
Introduction :
Introduction The life expectancies at birth for both sexes have steadily increased to 81.7 years for males and 87.7 years for females respectively in 2017. Source: Census and Statistics Department. The average age of in-patients at Grantham Hospital (GH) increased to 72.4 in September 2018. In order to provide update information on gerontological nursing care to nurses in GH, a training program on “Updates on Gerontological Nursing” was jointly organized by Geriatric Medical Unit (GMU) & Central Nursing Division (CND) from May –December 2018. The Pre/Post tests were conducted during each session to identify nurse’s competencies before and after the training programme.
Objectives :
 To assess nurses’ competency in gerontological nursing.  To assess the outcome of gerontological nursing training programme.
Methodology :
Methodology Pre/Post tests designs are the preferred method to compare participant groups and measure the degree of change occurring as a result of training. The basic premise behind the Pre/Post tests design involves obtaining a pretest measure of the outcome of interest prior to administering training, followed by a post-test on the same measure after training. This procedure provides feedback to the instructor by measuring the initial knowledge level of the learner and what knowledge the learner gained from the training programme. Training Programme: Updates on Gerontological Nursing were held from May –December 2018. Participants were invited to administer the pre-test before attending each training session. After completing each session, participants were invited to administer the post-test to evaluate their own competency in gerontological nursing. The question of post-test was identical to pre-test.
Result & Outcome :
Conclusion Population is getting high, aging is followed; by the year of 2031, 1/4 peoples will be at the age of 65 or above. Hospitalization will be affected seriously. To equip nurses facing aging population, 9 training sessions on gerontological nursing were held from May –December 2018 by GH. Positive feedbacks were received from nursing staff. Staff opined that through the training, they were better equipped with knowledge and skill in gerontological nursing. After the tailor-made intensive training, nurses’ competency in gerontological nursing is significantly increased. Establish a caring and supportive culture on nurses in GH is highly recommended. Results and Discussion A total of 100 participants had attended the nine training sessions, the data for each Pre/Post tests were entered in Microsoft Excel. After further analysis, it was found that the participants increased their post-test score by 37.8% to an average of 100% when compared to their pre-test score average of 62.2%. The detail of the attendee: Ranks EN 22 RN 39 APN or above 39 Total 100 Departments GMU 43 TBCU 24 Nursing School/CND 13 PMU 7 OPH 6 Other 7 Total 100

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