Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung SF(1),Lee WY(1)(2), Yung CK (1)(2), Shiu LF(1)(2),Hong TW (1)(2), Lai KY (1)(2), Tai YY(1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Infirmary, Department of Medicine, Haven of Hope Hospital, KEC, HA
Introduction :
Nowadays, nurses are busy and always occupied with multi-tasks, especially caring complicated cases and documentation. Consequently, most basic nursing care are delegated to patient care assistances (PCAs). However, a part of the essence of nursing care is sometimes being ignored or unaware. It is important to alert nurses and PCAs that all the care should be carried out with safe and compassion ways to ensure the quality of care.
Objectives :
The ‘best practice gentle reminder program’ is initiated in Infirmary, Haven of Hope Hospital, that most of the patients are frail, dependent and disorientated. This program aims to 1) engage the young junior Enrolled nurses (EN) to participate in ascertain the bedside care is providing in a safe and compassionate way by using a creative and easy to understand method; 2) nurture the junior nurses for self-growth and further development that they will have this value in heart to provide compassionate care to those patients in need.
Methodology :
Methodology 1) Team for the program is set up, included 1 APN(leader), 1 RN, 4 ENs, and 1 WM(advisor). The topics are selected after discussion with senior nurses.2) Each junior EN is responsible for one topic, and using photos to illustrate the proper bed side care method, adjuvant with simple written instruction 3) Team leader and advisor review on the photo to ensure its validity and appropriateness 4) Responsible EN designs and prints the photos, plus hand-over to Infirmary ward staff (nurses and PCAs) 5) Ward staff (nurses and PCAs) are instructed for the photo when posted up 6) Ward staff post the photo in designated corner – ‘best practice’ board 7) Evaluation of the ‘best practice’ program is done in Dec. 2018
Result & Outcome :
Total 4 topics selected and completed, they are: 1) Five point checking of alarm pad during putting up and before applying to patient; 2) proper use of limb holders in patients with contractures; 3) maintain good body posture to prevent pressure injury in severely contracted patients; and 4) prevent incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) for patients after weaning off indwelling urinary catheter. The team members expressed their feeling of increased confident in participating the program and this program increases their ability of organization and communication skills and more aware of the importance bedside care that are the basis of nursing care but commonly delegated to PCAs. The ward staff verbalized the photos are useful and easy to understand. This program proves that ‘small steps make big changes’, which not only ensures the quality care to patients but also enable staff growth and development.