Positive Effect of Art Workshop to Patients with Learning Disability

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lai FY, Tsang LW, Wong C
Affiliation :
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Castle Peak Hospital
Introduction :
Mood and behavioural problems of learning disability patients are often originated from frustration over their difficulty in expressing their emotion and other psychological needs. These patients can express their psychological needs and emotions, through art work effectively. Their challenging behavior is reduced with their self-esteem also strengthened. Discrimination to clients those with intellectual disability is prevalent in community. Such discrimination is driven by lack of true understanding on the needs and potentials of the intellectual disability patients. Through displaying patients’ artworks by organizing an art exhibition, public understanding of our patients can be enhanced. Combating discrimination in society and enhancing self-esteem of the patients are both crucial steps in social integration and recovery.
Objectives :
1. To enhance the patients’ quality of life and self-esteem through art work. 2. To encourage patients to express themselves by participation in art activities. 3. To promote public understanding on the potentials of clients with intellectual disability. 4. To reduce public discrimination on the learning disability.
Methodology :
Applied outsource funding – Queen Elizabeth Foundation for the Mentally Handicapped (QEFMH) with $41,200 approved. A 20-session Textile Art Workshop commenced from January 2018 to early June 2018. One session per week and 8-12 patients/session were invited to join the workshop. An exhibition of the artworks was launched in the end of June 2018. An appreciation board was established in the exhibition to collect public opinions. The public was also invited to express their impressions on site.
Result & Outcome :
20 sessions of Textile Art Workshop were started from 20 January 2018 and finished in 16 June 2018. There were 7-14 patients attended the sessions per week. Patients received positive experience through the activity. They eager to participate in the workshop and verbally expressed that they enjoyed the activity very much. Sense of achievement, self-confidence and self-esteem were enhanced. The exhibition was launched in Tuen Mun Hosptial Atrium on 27-29 June 2018. Community participants expressed that they were impressed by the patients’ artworks and their talents. 64 written opinions were collected in the appreciation board, with full of encouragement and appreciation. Moreover, some participants verbally expressed that the artworks enhanced their understanding and acceptance towards our intellectual disability clients.

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