Enhancement of Geriatric Day Hospital Nursing Care Communication with GDH Nursing Care Summary

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lo LLT (1), Chan FC (2)
Affiliation :
(1)& (2)Geriatric Day Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Geriatric Day Hospital (GDH) nurses have to handle around 200 patient records per week. The records contain various information such as special nursing care, precautions of infection control, prevention of falls or missing and behaviour care attentions, mode of transport, diet, special appointments etc. GDH nurses need to have a simple, quick and effective tool to retrieve target inforamtion to provide appropriate care during patient stay in GDH. In view of the present practice, the records were stamped with chops on the cover page to remind staff of the patient care needs which might not be appropriate. After discuss with GDH nurses and agreed to enhance the communication channel with formal nursing care summary as reminder and protect patient data with easy retrieval of information among care team.
Objectives :
1. To provide a neat, tidy and systematic system to access.remind / retrieve of nursing care information in GDH patient care record.
2. To enhance patient data privacy
3. To have proper documentation in patient care record
Methodology :
- communicate and brain storm of the nursing care summary content
- draft the nursing care summary
- trial use of nursing care summary
- finalize the nursing care summary record - apply MR form
- conduct staff satisfaction survey and compliance check of the use of Nursing care summary
Result & Outcome :
- Formal patient care reminder as nursing care summary was developed and in use since 2Q/2018
- Staff survey with 100% agreement of the use of the patient nursing care summary to communicate and document patient care need.
- Documentation audit revealed all patient care need were properly documented in the Nursing care summary MR form to provide patient's data privacy

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