Implementation of Modified Critical Care Orientation Program (CCOP) Staging System for Fresh Graduated Nurse in ICU

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Louie LL, Leung CK, Wong SW, Yeung WY, Tang PY
Affiliation :
Intensive Care Unit, North District Hospital
Introduction :
Critical Care Orientation Program (CCOP) staging system to new comer was developed since 2017, survey was conducted and some feedbacks were received from both mentors and mentees who have participated in this program. Most of them were very satisfied in this program, they felt that they can easy to manage by use of CCOP to reach the aims of the orientation program. Some recommendations were collected from mentors and mentees. They emphasize that beside basic intensive care nursing, mentee should better strengthen their skills in airway management, to differentiate common arrhythmias, managing life threatening arrhythmias, managing cardiac arrest: BCLS & ACLS, managing drug commonly use in CPR, assist in defibrillation, synchronized cardioversion and transcutaneous pacing. In 3Q of 2018, five fresh graduated nurses have joined ICU whom did not have any experience to work in specialty areas nor general clinical areas. In order to provide a structured orientation program and better learning environment for them to acquire the specialized knowledge and skills, modified CCOP staging system was developed for them. This program has been extended from 13 weeks to 16 weeks, so that the mentees could demonstrate basic critical care skills and well-psychological preparation before they are required to work independently in ICU. To strengthen their skills in bedside basic intensive care nursing, 1 extra day duty for skills station was added. To enhance clinical supervision and assessment, Advanced Practice Nurses are recruited as mentors.
Objectives :
- To provide a structured orientation program and better learning environment for fresh graduated nurses based on CCOP staging system - To modify CCOP staging system by adding simulation elements and timeframe adjustment - To ensure mentee has completed the orientation program according to learning criteria
Methodology :
Since the mentee are the fresh graduated nurses, Advanced Practice Nurses are recruited as mentors to enhance teaching skills. - The Modified CCOP staging system was extended 1 week in each stage of CCOP that mentees can familiarize more in respective learning areas. - There is one extra duty for the skills stations which are mainly used to assess mentees’ competency on related area by scenario-based, including differentiating common arrhythmias, managing life threatening arrhythmias, managing cardiac arrest: BCLS & ACLS, managing drugs commonly use in CPR, defibrillation, synchronized cardioversion and transcutaneous pacing, comprehensive head-to-toe assessment and assisted intubation.
Result & Outcome :
Results: The modified CCOP staging system was incorporated in orientation program and there were 5 fresh graduated nurses have completed the program in Dec 2018. Survey was conducted and data analysis was still in progress. Meanwhile, positive feedbacks were received from both mentors and mentee in informal meeting. Outcome: CCOP staging system has been successfully using in ICU for few years, the modified CCOP staging system is needed because there is increasing trend of fresh graduated nurses to join ICU. It would definitely help the fresh graduated nurses to adapt the new, specialized and challenging environment. Besides, it helps them to adapt the new culture, perform safe care and help them to build a solid foundation of nursing skills and equip to be a critical care nurse.

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