Collaboration with Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) Elderly in Self-Management of Chronic Diseases in HKWC

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan SF(1), Do TL(1), Li MN(1), Lau KY(1), Woo SMM(1), Chan WK(1), Chan WY(1), Law TC(1), Ho KYC(2)
Affiliation :
(1) Community Care Service, HKWC (2) Integrated Community Service, HKWC
Introduction :
Empowering patients' self-care is one of the means to improving their self-awareness and capabilities in keeping their healthy state while staying in the community. By collaboration with Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) within districts, community nurses of HKWC have been working closely with District Elderly Community Centres (DECCs) of Central, Western & Southern Districts to initiate a well-structured framework through group activities under the "Nurse and You" (護士與你) program for elderlies to arouse their understanding of chronic diseases derterioration and to increase their confidence on self-health management skills.
Objectives :
Aim: The aim is to enhance skills and knowledge on maintaining one's own health and foster positive attitudes towards self-empowerment in daily health practices through sharing and partnership with elderlies suffering from the same chronic diseases. Objectives: (1) To enhance understanding on the causative factors of common chronic diseases; (2) To impart knowledge and skills on daily health monitoring and habits; (3) To encourage active participation in designing health practices for promoting health; (4) To maximize peers experience sharing and partnership to foster sustainability (5) To reinforce problem solving skills while facing deranged health conditons; (6) To boost confidence and satisfaction towards self-reliance in health maintenance.
Methodology :
DECCs "Nurse and You" is conducted at three NGOs, namely St James' Settlement C&W District Elderly Community Centre, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Western District Elderly Community Centre & Jockey Club Wong Chi Keung District Elderly Community Centre in HKWC 3-monthly with structured framework of group activities on management of common chronic diseases according to the elderlies' health needs and interests. The participants are openly recruited by each NGO at target 30-40 attendents in every session. Health talk is delivered and focused on understanding of the chronic diseases, learning of self-health monitoring as well as setting goals and related actions for health maintenance. Nurse consultation will be provided on site to give professional health advice to participants and appropriate community rseources referrals will be made accordingly if indicated.
Result & Outcome :
Evaluation: Satisfaction survery was conducted in these three NGOs at 4Q 2018. Among 93 respondents (n=93), 100% satisfied with the health talk content which corresponding to their health needs. 94% agreed "Nurse and You" increased their knowledge and understanding of chronic diseases. 86% indicated that skills taught could empower them in active self-health monitoring regularly. 88% appreciated there was nurse consultation service available for them. 100% of them were willing to participate to "Nurse and You" again in the future. Conclusion: NGOs were the most influential platform to reach out elderlies in the community. Provision of nurse-led group activities at that setting help promote health and empower elderlies' self-reliance health manangement. Mutual collaborative effort among community nurses and NGOs did achieve desirable health promotion, prevention and maintenance of elderlies' health within the districts.

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