Authors (including presenting author) :
Tang YL, Yim CL, Chow MH, Tse YS, Wong NW
Affiliation :
Renal Unit, Medicine and Geriatric Department, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
Home visits are currently delivered to patients after newly trained on peritoneal dialysis (PD) or upon peritonitis found. Home environment, bag exchange technique and knowledge related to PD will be assessed.
Objectives :
To identify common risk factors of home therapy in PD patients and to strengthen patient training accordingly
Methodology :
retrospective analysis on home visit reports with Fisher's exact test applied on some patient data retrieved from hospital CMS
Result & Outcome :
1. common risk factors on PD home therapy were identified that may help enhancing patient training in the future
2. correlation was observed between pre-dialysis home visit and peritonitis rate (those received pre-dialysis home visit have lower peritonitis rate)