Authors (including presenting author) :
Shiu WY(1), Cheung MC(1), Lai SY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
All student midwives received centralized training in the school of midwifery, where the midwifery knowledge and theory can be most acquired. There is always gap between knowledge and practice, student midwives are lack of confidence to handle practical situation especially emergency condition. Besides, different culture, practical techniques and different clinical environment between hospitals also confuse the student midwives. Neonatal resuscitation, episiotomy suturing and management of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia are the practical situation that student midwives have fewer opportunities to come across. Clinical Workshop provides a platform to clarify individual queries and opportunities for hands-on practice in different clinical situation.
Objectives :
1)To consolidate student midwives’ knowledge
2)To enhance their practical skills on neonatal resuscitation, episiotomy suturing and drug preparation for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia.
3)To enhance the confidence of student midwives in clinical situation.
4)To provide a platform for individual queries and interaction between clinical mentors and student midwives.
Methodology :
One Day Midwifery Clinical Workshop was held 6 months after midwifery course commenced. There are 3 classes (total 13 student midwives) from Jul 2017 to Sep 2018.
The one day workshop includes: 1.Neonatal resuscitation simulation training 2.Lunch meeting with clinical mentors 3.Episiotomy suturing hands-on technique 4.Preparation of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia medication. Evaluation form was given to the student midwives after the workshop.
Result & Outcome :
1)All student midwives agreed that their knowledge from school was consolidated by the workshop. Also, their queries can be clarified through the day.
2)All student midwives agreed that the workshop is very practical and facilitated better integration of theory and practice.
3)After the simulation training and return demonstration, all student midwives agreed that they are more confident in the clinical situation.
4)All clinical mentors and student midwives agreed that the workshop facilitated better collaboration and mutual understanding. Outcome:
One Day Midwifery Clinical Workshop provides student midwives the opportunities to clarify queries that encounter in clinical situation. It is also a very practical and valuable experience that aids them to apply knowledge and theory in the clinical situation. It also provides a platform to develop mutual rapport between the student midwives and the clinical mentors.