Authors (including presenting author) :
Fung WY(1),Poon CL(1), Chan PF(1), Chu CM(1), Ng YB(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medical and Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Inhalation therapy is the gold standard management of respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma to relieve the respiratory symptoms. Since COPD has become the third leading cause of global death by 2010, there is uprising significance of inhalation therapy for the management of COPD. Consequently, there are more newly released inhalers and inhaler devices to the market. The effectiveness of inhalation therapy mainly depends on some determinants such as the appropriate choice of inhalers, the correct use of inhaler devices and the adherence to therapy. Besides, nurses have an important role in patient education. To optimize the effectiveness of the inhalation therapy, a comprehensive knowledge enhancement program is initiated to the nurses and patients.
Objectives :
1.) To optimize the effectiveness of inhalation therapy. 2.) To enhance the nurses’ and patients’ knowledge about updated inhalation therapy.
Methodology :
The knowledge enhancement program of updated inhalation therapy consists of a respiratory in-service training course and an educational board decorated in the respiratory ward. 1. A respiratory in-service training course- update on inhalation therapy was held on 6th July, 2018 for all interested nurses in the department of Medical and Geriatrics with an accreditation of Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) points. The update on the guideline of inhalation therapy, types of inhalers and inhaler devices were introduced by the forms of lecture and demonstration. The participants’ knowledge enhancement was examined by conducting the one group pretest and posttest quasi-experimental study. The questions in the pretest and posttest identically divided into several categories such as the classification and the characteristics of inhalers, and the use of inhaler devices. 2. An educational board was placed in an accessible area of the respiratory ward. It targeted on the patients to consolidate their knowledge about inhalation therapy, thereby improving their adherence to therapy. The contents focused on different types of inhalers and the use of inhaler devices with the pictures shown.
Result & Outcome :
Total 22 participants joined the training course. 22 sets of pre-test and post-test were collected and the data were analysed by performing paired samples t-test. The mean score of the pre-test was 1.68 with standard deviation (SD) of 1.13, while that of the post-test was 3.82 with SD of 1.05. By comparing each pair of pre-test and post-test results, the p value of the paired sample t-test was 0.015 which was less than 0.05. It could be concluded that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results. It indicated that participants had significant improvement in their knowledge about the updated inhalation therapy. For the course evaluation forms, it showed about 95.5% participants were satisfied with the course and agreed they had successfully learnt from the course. To conclude, as more new inhalers and inhaler devices are released, it is necessary to regularly update the nurses’ and patients’ knowledge of inhalation therapy. With significant knowledge enhancement after the program, nurses can effectively educate and advocate the patients to adhere to the therapy, leading to better clinical outcome. Ultimately, the burden of the health care system can be relieved.