Enhancing Nursing Accountability via Simulation Workshop

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Authors (including presenting author) :
YEUNG P H (1), SO H M (2) (3), CHENG P Y I (4), CHAU L T C (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Nursing Services Division, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong SAR (2)Nethersole Clinical Simulation Training Centre, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong SAR (3)Department of Intensive Care, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong SAR (4)Department of Psychiatry, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong SAR
Introduction :
Nursing accountability underpins safe nursing practice and is the foundational to professional practice. However, didactic lecture for teaching the nursing accountability is less effective. Simulation being one of the teaching strategies may be the preferable option. Simulation provides a safe learning environment for nurses to experience various clinical situations without compromising patient safety. Moreover, the debriefing session helps participants to address their rationales for their actions which bear nursing accountability. Therefore a simulation training tailored for addressing nursing accountability was developed and conducted in the Nethersole Clinical Simulation Training Center (NCSTC) of Hong Kong since 2016.
Objectives :
1.To enhance participants’ understanding of nursing accountability in clinical practice. 2.To identify factors that strengthens nursing accountability in clinical practice.
Methodology :
It was a half-day simulation workshop consisting of two tailor-made scenarios. Scenarios were designed by qualified simulation trainers to address nursing accountability on common daily practice such as proper management of physical restraints, appropriate delegation and effective handling of relatives’ complaints. Each workshop consisted of 10-12 nurse participants. Debriefing sessions were held after each scenario to allow participants to reflect on the application of nurse accountability in nursing practice. During debriefing session, participants were facilitated to address their frames for their actions. Through this interactive communication with the debriefer, the essence of nursing accountability was discussed and mentioned. Evaluation was conducted by questionnaire at the end of the simulation.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 16 classes were conducted from 2016 to 2017. Among 176 nurse participants, 166 (94%) participants agreed that the debriefing was useful; and 164 (93%) participants agreed the scenarios were relevant to clinical practice and helped them to better manage similar clinical situations in the future. Moreover, a total of 168 (95%) participants would recommend the workshop to other colleagues because workshop was applicable to their work and enhanced their understanding on the significant of nurse accountability. Furthermore, participants also commented that debriefing at clinical situations would help to strengthen their awareness on nurse accountability. Participants’’ feedback was valuable to support the use of the simulation training to enhance nurses understanding of the nursing accountability and hence its application in their clinical practice.

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