Fostering a Stronger Primary Care Team: Family Medicine Medical Student Training and Internship Programme in Kowloon Central Cluster(KCC)

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung TF(1), Kwong HK(1), Man FY(1), Ho KM(1), Chen XR(1), Li YC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Family Medicine (FM) and General Outpatient Clinics (GOPCs), Kowloon Central Cluster (KCC)
Introduction :
To meet the challenge of an aging population and to strengthen the role of primary care, more effort had been made to develop Family Medicine (FM) locally. Both universities in Hong Kong had recently revised their medical curriculums to enhance FM training. In addition, Family Medicine internship training program has been newly introduced to new medical graduates starting from 1 July, 2017.
Objectives :
To develop a well-organized training programs in the GOPCs for a high standard training to medical students and interns.
Methodology :
A working group under Department Training Subcommittee was established to develop the training programs from February to December 2016. Members of Dept. training subcommittee and leaders of the multidisciplinary programs including Risk Assessment & Management Programs for Hypertension (RAMP HT) and Diabetes (RAMP DM), Integrated Mental Health Program (IMHP), Smoking Counseling & Cessation Program (SCCP) and Respiratory Program were invited to join. A revised training program was compiled based on comments and ideas of all members. Feedbacks from medical students, interns and their trainers were collected regularly by questionnaires after each attachment.
Result & Outcome :
Standardized training programs for interns and medical students were established in Jan 2017. Besides traditional clinical attachment to GOPC and FM specialists’ consultation sessions, they were also exposed to various primary care allied health program with aligned teaching materials on Family Medicine as well as different case scenarios sharing in order to improve the quality of training. As for internship training, based on the above program, more hands-on training opportunities were provided. Consultation, communication skills training and difficult case sharing were provided through sit-in sessions and supervised case consultations. Interns also need to provide counsellings to patients in the multidisciplinary programs. Positive feedbacks were collected after implementing the new training programs. Both medical students and interns commented that these programs were comprehensive and enabled them to understand FM as an important specialty in the health care system. Colleagues participated as trainers also gained fruitful experience and job satisfaction through the supervision.

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