Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong WSW(1), Leung PMQ(2), Cheung YYA(2), Cheng LLA(2), Li SKK(1), Leung HCW(1), Chan WYS(2), Wong WLJ(1), Lam CY(3)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) team, NTWC Human Resources Department(2) NTWC Nursing Services Division (NSD) (3) NTWC OSH Committee
Introduction :
With the implementation of a Safety System of Work (SSoW) on Work-above-ground operation at below 2 metres (WAG) in HA in 2017, trestle ladders used for WAG are generally prohibited, it should be replaced by proper light-duty working platforms (i.e. platform ladder or stepper) according to the Risk Assessment for those tasks under the requirements of HA and Labour Department. A briefing session on implementation of SSoW for WAG has been conducted in early 2017. Feedbacks were received from users, including (1) difficulties to complete the risk assessment and select a suitable type of light-duty working platform; (2) limited resources to purchase the light-duty working platform on the recommended list; (3) lack of manufacturer’s instructions for the purchased light-duty working platform for frontline users.
Objectives :
1. To facilitate clinical department implementing the SSoW on WAG and selection of proper light-duty working platforms; 2. To replace existing trestle ladder commonly used in clinical area by light-duty working platforms; and 3. To provide simplified and pictorial guidelines and demonstration video for frontline staff on use of the light-duty working platforms
Methodology :
Cluster OSH team collaborated with NSD to develop an enhancement program on addressing the gaps between the newly adopted SSoW on WAG and implementation in clinical department by: (i) Identification of common WAG tasks in clinical area Walk-through survey has been conducted with user departments to identify the common tasks of WAG in ward areas, provided risk assessment template including the options of the recommended controls measures; (ii) Selection of light-duty working platforms OSH team worked with manufacturers to explore and identify platform ladders and steppers which are suitable for the identified common tasks of WAG and clinical setting instead of heavy duty type (e.g. Construction site). (iii) Replacement of trestle ladder Cluster OSH Committee and NSD developed a mechanism and bid a budget in OSH Annual Plan 17/18 & Quality of Care Project (QOCP) 17/18 so as to facilitate the applications, review and register of sponsor for purchasing the proper light-duty working platforms replacing the trestle ladders for user departments. (iv) Training and reference materials Total 8 classes of training on SSoW for WAG and training kits have been provided to Departmental Safety Officers and unit i/c. Demonstration video and simplified OSH guidelines on use of the purchased light-duty working platforms have been developed for frontline colleagues.
Result & Outcome :
(i) 7 common tasks of WAG in NTWC with comprehensive Risk Assessment Reports have been identified and developed; (ii) 6 out of 19 (HA list) suitable light-duty working platforms have been suggested to user departments, the roadshow and demonstration have arranged and users borrowed the platform ladders and stepper to units for trial; (iii) Total 86nos. of trestle ladders have been condemned and replaced by 119nos. of proper light-duty working platforms under this program. (iv) Total 408 colleagues have been trained for conduction of risk assessment. Structured training materials were available in cluster OSH website and updated continuously in order for trained person and frontline colleagues.