NTEC Support the Supporting Staff Program

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan HS, Fung GSC, Kwok AML, Tam SOF, Chan SP, Lee ISM, Ngai LMY, So TTK, Wan PY, Liu YW, Ng YM, Ho BPY
Affiliation :
Central Nursing Division, New Territories East Cluster, Hong Kong
Introduction :
Stable manpower is an essential element to uphold patient care standard. However, the turnover rate of supporting staff was noted to be high in most of the public hospitals in Hong Kong. In NTEC, the turnover rate of supporting staff was 17.9% in 2016 and 18.4% in 2017. To improve, a “Support the Supporting Staff Program” has been launched in April 2018 in Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) to retain the supporting staff.
Objectives :
- To strengthen the caring culture and mutual support environment in NTEC. - To facilitate new recruited supporting staff’s integration into the new working environment. - To enhance new recruited supporting staff’s competence and confidence in patient care through training and coaching.- To retain the supporting staff.
Methodology :
In order to retain the supporting staff, a taskforce was formed in 4Q 2017 to explore the retention strategies. Among the outgoing supporting staff, over 50% of them left within 6 months after commencement of duty. Three main reasons of leaving as stated in the exit survey were: 1. Unable to adapt to working environment. 2. Further study. 3. Family responsibilities, such as taking care of children or elderly. Another survey was conducted in 4Q 2017 with 117 supporting staff respondents recruited, we identified the top three engaging factors in staff retention as: good teammates (23.1%), good supervisors (21.4%) and geographical location (16.2%). Based on the above information, a trial of “Support the Supporting Staff Program” was introduced. With reference to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, apart from physiological and safety needs, people require love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization. We emphasize “3 goods”: GOOD ward-managers; GOOD peers and GOOD mentors. Besides, supporting staff would be allocated to their selected hospital as far as possible. Moreover, the program includes a welcome session on the first day they arrive to the hospital; 1-day orientation program as well as a reunion a few months after work. A pilot was conducted in medical department of PWH in April 2018. Our target group was patient-care assistants (PCA IIIA). An evaluation was conducted 4 months after implementation of the program.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 38 questionnaires were received from concerned ward-mangers, peers, mentors as well as new recruited PCA IIIA. An overwhelming result of 100% positive response was received. Some respondents reflected that this program has increased their sense of belonging and help them in adapting to new environment. In addition, the attrition rate has reduced from 45.5% during April to July 2017 to 20% from April to July 2018. In conclusion,the results of this program were very positive and highly appreciated by different stakeholders. The attrition rate has improved significantly. More importantly, this program has further strengthened the caring culture of the cluster. The program is being rolled out to other departments and hospitals of NTEC.

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