Use of the Best Practice to do no harm from Urinary Catheters in Community

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lam PL (1),Hung YW (1), Tsui HW (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Community Nursing Services, OLMH
Introduction :
Urinary catheter is commonly used device for therapeutic purposes in community care setting. Urinary catheter may be placed to decompress the bladder for patients with chronic urinary retention as result of Benign Prostate, Hypertrophy and neurogenic bladder. The urinary catheter in place may put patients at increased risk of complications such as tissue trauma, leakage and blockage etc. Moreover, trauma with associated pain or discomfort may happen during the procedures of catheterization insertion. Trauma to the male urethral is often resulted in tissue scaring formation which cause urethral stricture. We are community nurse; urinary catheterization is a common task in our daily work practice. In order to keep high quality and appropriate manner in urinary catheterization procedures are essential. Periodical audit and education update to the nurses and new comers are significant. The critical actions of procedures are based on evidence- based practice to do so.
Objectives :
1.To ensure the urinary catheter insertion and care is carried out in a manner that minimizes trauma and infection risks. 2. To enhance the knowledge and skills through the evidence based practice.
Methodology :
To review the related journals and hospital guidelines for urinary catheterization procedures and adopted the good evidence based practice to minimize the complications related to miss understanding the rationale of the action. Therefore, to conduct a seminar of urinary catheterization technique and troubles shooting management for nurses. Urinary catheter audit would help to monitor the standard practice among nurses. Finally, staff satisfaction survey and pre and post-test related to urinary catheterization knowledge will be collected.
Result & Outcome :
Total 30 evaluation forms were received after the seminar. 100% of nurses agreed that the seminar content has achieved the learning objectives and the content is practical to workplace. Regarding to the level of understanding towards the rationale of urinary catheterization procedure from the seminar, 100% of nurses reported that the seminar could strengthen their clinical confidence on urinary catheter management. Convenient sampling was used to conduct the audit for 14 nurses. 8 nurses got 87.5% compliance rate and 6 nurses got 100% of the compliance rate from the audit. Total 30 nurses had completed the pre and post-test before and after the seminar. The average of knowledge scores increased from 53.5% to 79.3%. Overall, nurses had positive feedback to the seminar elevation, and the result of the test and audit could facilitate the knowledge and skills enhancement from the evidence-based practice activity process.

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