Authors (including presenting author) :
APN Tsui Yee Ngor (1) (2)
Affiliation :
(1) (2)Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Currently post-operative acute retention of urine (AROU) in adult patients after spinal or general anesthesia is a constant problem in our department. But we did not have existing protocol or flowchart for bladder management in our department. Some patients have to increase the length of stay due to indwelling catheter in-situ. Some journal proved that 1) urinary catheterization is an important risk factor for nosocomial urinary tract infection (UTI), which can result in longer hospitalization. 2) The longer the catheter is in place, the greater the risk of developing catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). 3) Using intermittent urinary catheterization reduces the risk of nosocomial UTI compared with indwelling urinary catheterization. 4) Removing indwelling urinary catheters within 24 to 48 hours to prevent CAUTIs is important for optimal patient care.
Objectives :
Empower nursing staff to handle bladder management in post-operative patients by following the guideline and flowchart in PMH O&T.
Methodology :
Design a bladder management flowchart and guideline for nursing staff to manage post-operative voiding problem in adult patients after spinal or general anesthesia.
Result & Outcome :
The post- operative adult patient should be minimize unnecessary urinary catheterization, no CAUTI during hospitalization and reduce the length of stay. The nurses are empowered for bladder management of adult post-operative patients by following the guideline and flowchart in PMH O&T department. Adult post-operative Orthopedics patients are minimize in the unnecessary urinary catheterization, without CAUTI and reduced the length of hospital stay.