Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng YM(1), Chau OT(1), Yim MY(1), Lam OY (1), Tsang SI (1), Fung K(1), Chau KY(1), Ma PK (2), Young MW(2), Ng WY(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Infection Control Team, (2)Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine department, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Occupational health and safety (OSH) are vital to health care workers as it helps to maintain their physical and mental health [1]. Enhancement of the working environment is essential to occupational safety [2]. In view of this, cross-department collaboration, involving the Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine (P&AM) department and the Infection Control Team (ICT), was carried out in the United Christian Hospital since 2015.
Objectives :
1. To reduce the risk of occupationally-acquired infection of the staff.
2. To strengthen the staff competence and raise their awareness towards occupational safety and health.
3. To provide staff with a safety working environment.
Methodology :
1. Regular Avian Influenza Drill health care workers can be familiar with the preparation, intubation and after care of the avian influenza case. 2. Infection control safety round
revised the ‘Visitor Health Questionnaire’ by specifying on the contact of infectious diseases e.g. chickenpox, measles and whooping cough. 3. Develop protocols comprehensive staff immunization record, including chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella and hepatitis B, is developed. 4. Develop contingency plan and clinical pathway
developed contingency plan for negative pressure breakdown condition. 5. Reduce risk of needle-stick injury (NSI)
adopted ICT’s recommendation by using forceps to handle the syringes and use of receptacle to collect the used syringes/sharps before disposal.
Result & Outcome :
1. Increase staff competence, awareness and sense of safety
Participants had positive feedback towards the drill and commented that it could equip them with the knowledge and skills to work in the infectious disease unit. 2. Reduce risk of needle stick injury
No staff suffered from NSI during resuscitation and intubation since 2016. 3. Protect staff from infectious disease
Contact tracing of staff was not required after the staff immunization record was developed in 2017. 4. KEC OSH Improvement Project Award
The collaboration project on OSH improvement had won the outstanding team award in the Kowloon East Cluster (KEC) OSH Improvement Project in 2018.