The Implementation of an Audio-Visual Training Program in Teaching New Nurses in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan MY(1), Shek CC(1), Kwong T(1), Lee M(1), Liu HL(1), Lee KY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Setting up total parental nutrition (TPN) is a high-risk procedure in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). It is a crucial learning objective for new nurses in NICU which require specific knowledge and skills to ensure patient safety. Traditional teaching methods like lectures and demonstrations has long been used in training. Studies reported audio-visual (AV) training was favourable in teaching and learning for staff, but AV training program was lacking in our unit.
Objectives :
To develop an audio-visual training program on TPN administration procedure and to evaluate the effectiveness of the program
Methodology :
A pilot study was conducted in NICU, PMH by a randomized, experimental, pretest and posttest design. All new nurses in NICU were enrolled in it from September 2015 to January 2016 with 50% control group and 50% experimental group. The AV materials for the TPN setup procedure was developed and given to the experimental group. All participants were assessed their related knowledge and skills by a quiz and standardized skill assessment form. A post training opinion survey was distributed to them and the usefulness of different materials in learning TPN setup were evaluated. Face to face discussion on the usefulness of AV material training and the quiz answer were also performed.
Result & Outcome :
The knowledge gain in the experimental group was higher in quiz mean score 15 (88.2%) than that in the control group with mean score 13 (76.5%). In the hands-on training session, the control group needed more attempts to pass it when compared with the experimental group. From the post training opinion survey, all agreed that AV training material had to be included in TPN setup training. They also stated that live demonstration and in-person coaching was essential and could not be replaced by the AV training material. During group discussion, they voiced out the importance of quiz in the training session to reinforce their knowledge. The implementation of AV training program can facilitate teaching new nurses in NICU. AV training material serves as teaching aid, and it can be incorporated into daily teaching practices with live demonstration and in-person coaching.

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