The effectiveness of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) program in psychogeriatric in-patient setting

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong YKV(1), Lai YY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Deapartment of Occupational Therapy, Castle Peak Hospital
Introduction :
Emerging evidence showed that Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) can improve cognition, communication and quality of life for people with mild to moderate dementia. CST is an evidenced-based non-pharmacological intervention, which involves 14 sessions of themed activities, run twice a week, 45 minutes per session. However, most of the trials were carried out at residential homes and day centers. Its effect on in-patient setting was uncertain due to short hospital length of stay and shifting of group members lead to a change of group dynamics. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of CST for in-patients with dementia and its feasibility in psychogeriatric in-patient setting.
Objectives :
To evaluate the effectiveness of CST for in-patients with dementia and its feasibility in psychogeriatric in-patient setting.
Methodology :
A pre-test and post-test design was employed. Subjects were (1) in-patients in psychogeriatric wards, (2) with diagnosis of dementia, (3) able to understand Cantonese. Outcome measures were (1) Montreal Cognitive Assessment Hong Kong version (HK-MoCA) and (2) Holden Communication Scale (HCS).
Result & Outcome :
From December 2017 to November 2018, there were 35 patients (mean age = 79.4, mean education = 4 years, mean length of hospital stay = 44 days) attended CST group (mean no. of session completed = 10). There was significant improvement in total score of HK-MoCA (t = -2.734, p = 0.01) and total score of HCS (t = 3.565, p = 0.001) after the program. To conclude, this study suggests CST was effective in enhancing cognitive function and communication of in-patients with dementia. In addition, participants could complete over 70% of CST program despite short length of hospital stay. This indicates CST was beneficial to in-patient with dementia and it was applicable in psychogeriatric in-patient setting.

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