Prescribing IV antibiotic via electronic mode in A&E Department

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Vincent HO (COS, A&E)
Wendy HO (DOM, A&E Dept)
Vivian WAN (WM, A&E Dept.)
Thomas TAM (Pharmacist, CMC)
Affiliation :
1. A&E Department,Caritas Medical Centre
2. Pharmacy Department
Introduction :
- To minimize medication incident in A&E department - To provide timely antibiotic administration to patient with clinical need
Objectives :
- To establish a drug allergy checking mechanism before administration of stat dose antibiotic with pharmacy - To improve the documentation on prescribing and administration of stat dose antibiotic - To change from manual prescribing IV antibiotic to electronic mode in A&E department
Methodology :
-The workflow on prescribing IV antibiotic is changed from hard copy to electronic copy
- Review and maintain minimum stock of antibiotics in A&E dept
Result & Outcome :
This initiative was commenced from 26/9/2017.
All stat dose antibiotic prescriptions should be ordered via MOE (dispense in clinic) mode From 26/9/2017 to 12/8/2017
72 cases received antibiotic treatment in A&E Dept. 68 out of 72 (94.4%) prescriptions had implemented this workflow to prescribe antibiotics to patients. No medication incident has been reported. And staff found the workflow could enhance the patient safety and easy to follow.

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