Needle Stick Injury Prevention Program-Cross over with Time Out Procedure

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
So MH, Lau KY, Chim KM, Wu SH, Ma PK, Luk CK, Cheung CH, Chiu WK
Affiliation :
Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Needle stick injury (NSI) is an attended OSH issue for clinical staffs in Pediatric department in the United Christian Hospital (UCH). However, there were 11 cases related to NSI over these three years. NSI was accounted for 42.9% among all Injury On Duty (IOD) cases and placed at the IOD in Paediatric department. Those NSI cases were mainly related to interns and new recruitment.
Objectives :
Through a “Pediatric blood ambassador” program NSI rate is aimed at reducing.
Methodology :
In January 2018, ward manager and an APN trained two designated ambassadors who introduced five preparation steps for doctors or phlebotomists to take blood safety DVD and pamphlet education. The blood ambassadors reminded them to prepare the patients, items and environment before every episode of blood taking as well as audited them afterward. When they got 100% compliance rate through blood taking audit, they received a small badge named “blood taking talent抽血達人” as a souvenir for encouragement. In end of January 2018, the project was promoted to other doctors, nurses and health care workers.
In February 2018, the pilot project of “Pediatric blood ambassador” was conducted in Ward 4C of UCH. The audit items are included five following steps for preparing blood taking. 1) assess child’s cooperation level to arrange adequate manpower.評估病兒、安排人手
2) choose an appropriate size of fixing plate to fix uncontrolled child. 協助固定、用板幫手
3) prepare all blood taking items such as specimen bottle, angiocatheter, job sheets and 2D barcode scanner etc. 預先準備、物品就手
4) arrange sharp box close to themselves. 針車在旁、得心應手
5) throw stick needles into sharp box immediately. 小心針刺、保護雙手
Result & Outcome :
Result: 100 audits from 1 Assistant Consultant, 6 Paediatric residents, 4 Paediatric Surgical intern, 16 Paediatric interns and 4 phlebotomist were completed till December 2018. No NSI related case was found in Ward 4C since the implementation of this program. The compliance rate of the step 1, 2 &3 were 100%. 95% doctors could arrange sharp box close to themselves and 90% demonstrated discarding needles into sharp box immediately although blood ambassador reminded them before and during the procedure. This program is awarded the Gold Award of KEC OSH Project on March 2018. Conclusion: This pilot program has demonstrated its effect in minimizing NSI in Paediatric unit in 2018. Further measures are required to enhance the compliance of discarding needles into sharp box immediately program has been rollout to other Paediatric units in UCH in 2019.

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