Pioneer of Patient Clinic Handover System (PCHOS) in Medicine & Geriatrics Department with 4Cs

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan WLF (1), Tseung S (1), Wong CW (1), Yik WMJ(1), Law CB(1), Tang MKC(1), Wong WYS(1), Yip CH(1), Au KK(1), Lai YN(1), Mak KM(1), Cheng YY(1), Tong FH(1), Chan CL(1), Chan WLF(1), Ip KF(1), Yu SW(1), Wong WKV(1)
Affiliation :
Department of Medicine & Geriatrics, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Nursing care plan provides direction on the type of nursing care the individual may need, and provide continuity of care. Patient Clinic Handover System (PCHOS) that provides a platform for individualized care plan creation and systemic shift handover system was launched in PMH in Nov 2017. It is a useful and simple electronic tool that generates individual care plan, shift handover log sheet automatically after patient assessment entry. All staffs in PMH share the same language in communication, the same documentation template for data entry, and reduce the risk of missing patient care. Electronic data entry not only can create paperless environment but also eliminate extra paperwork. M&G department which has the largest number of staffs and caseloads was the first pilot point for this state-of-the-art project.
Objectives :
1. PCHOS was fully implemented in M&G department within 6 months. 2. Diminished nursing workload on documentation. 3. Enhanced staff ownership and participation on care planning. 4. Optimized system content to convince subsequent users.
Methodology :
Marketing Mix model 4Cs approach was adopted as the guide in strategies development; and staffs’ satisfaction was evaluated by user evaluation and system utilization rate. The 4Cs are made up of four elements: 1. Customer orientated: PCHOS entry was arranged in SBAR format. User’s opinion was sought before the revamp. IT team organized Intensive System Briefing Forum before PCHOS go-live. 2. Affordable cost: Nursing referral can be submitted automatically from the system and this eliminates repeated data entry and potential risk of private data exposure. Daily workflow was revisited and standardized; duplicate checklists and forms were eliminated. 3. Convenience and flexible: IT team provides prompt support to frontlines and optimizes the system according to user suggestions. Staffs can access PCHOS through different computer system and sources. 4. Open communication: PCHOS ambassadors in each ward collect instant feedback and offer technique assistance to colleagues.
Result & Outcome :
Starting from November 2017 progressively, the new web-based clinical handover system together with care plan automatic creation was implemented. PCHOS utilization rate in M&G Department was 100% in May. All staffs reported better communication and decreased workload in the user evaluation surveys. Overall, the new system has shown positive results in service efficiency, daily operation effectiveness and staffs’ satisfaction.

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