Enhancement program for safe use of FX oxygen cylinder in transfer of patient

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung YF(1), Poon CL(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Medicine and Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Enhancement program for safe use of FX oxygen cylinder in transfer of patient
Objectives :
1, Ensure proper use of FX oxygen cylinder. 2, Understand guidance of “checklist for intra-hospital transfer of critically ill adult patient”
Methodology :
Education talk to nursing staff in respiratory ward
Attachment of quick reminder to the cylinder at respiratory ward. Content of the talk and reminder 1, Way of turning on and off the main switch before and after use
2, Checking of capacity of the cylinder
3, Way of connecting oxygen hose of ventilator and oxygen tubing to the cylinder
4, Way of disconnecting oxygen hose from the cylinder
5, Demonstration and remonstration
6, Emphasizing use of “checklist for intra-hospital transfer of critically ill adult patient”
Result & Outcome :
Two sessions of 15min talk were held and 22 nursing staff attended.
Nursing staff reported that the program offered them guidance on use of cylinder, particularly at the first months of introduction of the cylinder, and they spent lesser time to clarify and seek advice in use of the cylinder. However, they agreed that they referred less frequently to the reminder as they went familiar with use of the cylinder.
No incidence related was reported in the unit. Recommendation
It is glad that existing staff develop confidence and competency in handling the cylinder, however, new staff are joining day-by-day. It is recommended to hold refresh talk and keep the reminder.

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