Safe transport of patient on NIV with “STAR” (S-Staff training, T-Trilogy 202, A- Advocacy of nurse, R-Reminder)

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung YF(1), Chan HL(1)
Affiliation :
Medicine and Geriatrics
Introduction :
There is an increasing demand of intra-hospital transfer of patients on non-invasive ventilator (NIV) in Department of Medicine and Geriatric (M&G) of United Christian Hospital. Trilogy 202, a hospital-use and portable ventilator, was introduced for transfer use in respiratory unit.
Enhancement program “STAR” was implemented.
Objectives :
1, develop nursing staff’s ability to set up parameters of Trilogy 202
2, develop nursing staff’s ability to set up the circuit and connect patient to Trilogy 202
3, enhance trouble shooting skill of nursing staff
4, gain feedback from nursing staff
Methodology :
1, training session for nurse on use of Trilogy 202
2, from of evaluation and feedback for nurse 3, attachment of quick reminder to Trilogy 202
Result & Outcome :
20 nurses attended the training session and they agreed that the training session provided with knowledge about setting up trilogy 202 and connecting to patient and problem solving skills. Nurses, who experienced using Trilogy 202 for transport of patient, agreed that it is easier and safer for transfer and lifting. They agreed that the reminder empowered them to use Trilogy 202 confidently and properly. Suggestion
Life-sustaining device usually leaves nurse no room for error and misuse, training session, and/or quick reminder, is necessary for nurse before utilizing it.

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