The Book of Life Review Mutual Support Group

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Ho KW(1), Kot WY(2), Chan TC(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Medical Social Service Department, Cheshire Home Chung Hom Kok (2) Community & Patient Resource Department, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Most of our long stay residents in Original Home of Cheshire Home, Chung Hom Kok have been staying in this big family for more than 10 years. They are facing different kinds of challenges together, such as upsetting by their chronic illness, physical deterioration, separation with their close inmates due to terminal illness. Therefore, “ The Book of Life Review Mutual Support Group” was conducted as to enhance their mutual support and also their confidence on handling their life issues. Furthermore, a series of reminiscence activities were designed, including sharing sessions on their favorite songs, memorable places, thankful people and appreciation to themselves. With the group members’ valuable sharing, artistic expression and volunteers’ support, they each designed a unique and priceless Life Review Book reflecting their meaningful life stories.
Objectives :
1. Facilitate patients reviewing their different stages of life, so as to affirm and consolidate their contribution and achievement in life. 2. Integrate the past experiences, mediate regrets and reconstruct self- value, in order to live a fruitful life.
Methodology :
“Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Well-Being; The 12-item Spiritual Well-Being Scale” was used in pre-and-post tests for measuring the quality of life. Served targets were Home Residents with disabilities and chronic illness who wanted to search the meaning of life. Outcome measures were categorized as “Residents’ Meaning of Life” & “Residents’ Inner Peace”.
Result & Outcome :
The group was commenced in March 2018 and successfully completed in September 2018 with a total number of 12 sessions and 8 participants including 4 males, 4 females, age from 44 to 67. All participants completing the evaluation form were satisfied with the group activities and agreed the group atmosphere can facilitate them to review and integrate their life. Furthermore,over 85% of participants agreed the group cultivated the atmosphere of appreciation, mutual support. Over 85% of participants found the positive thinking skills useful and agreed the group can enhance mutual understanding. Over 85% of participants were satisfied with the group in overall. All participants would like to join the group activity in the future. Therefore, the Mutual Support Group “The Book of Life Review” was effective in helping residents to find the meaning of their life and purse inner peace, mutual support was enhanced by their sincere sharing inside group.

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