Driver Rehabilitation Training Experience in Australia

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Fong CH(1), Yu Teresa(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Rehabilitation, Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
Driving is a complex task involving the physical ability, vision, cognitive ability and emotional skills. Any changes or loss of function in any one of these abilities due to illness, injury or ageing may affect a person’s ability to drive. Driver rehabilitation is a type of rehabilitation that helps individuals with disabilities or aging to achieve safe driving. It provides advice, assessment, rehabilitation and training for people wishing to drive after an injury, illness or who have a disability.
Objectives :
To streamline the workflow of driver assessment in individuals with illness, injury or ageing, and provide a structured driver rehabilitation service in Kowloon Central Cluster.
Methodology :
2018/19 HA Corporate Scholarship Program: Driving and Neurological Rehabilitations, with attachments at Royal Rehab and Brisbane Waters Private Hospital, Australia from late September to November, 2018.
Result & Outcome :
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is the New South Wales (NSW) Government body which issues licences and regulates medical standards within NSW. It is required by law that individuals with long term injury or illness that may affect the ability to drive should notify RMS. Medical assessment by health professionals should be performed to ensure all drivers are medically fit and competent to drive. Medical reports could be submitted to RMS through online system which is immediate. The medical standards for licensing and clinical management guidelines ‘Assessing Fitness to Drive’ have been adopted by all licensing authorities when assessing the individuals’ medical fitness to drive. Some health conditions may require a driving assessment by a suitably qualified Occupational Therapist (OT). The purposes of an OT driving assessment are to assess the impact of a person’s medical condition on their ability to drive safely and legally, and to assess the need for vehicle modifications or remedial training to achieve RMS standards. After receiving the medical and OT assessment reports, RMS makes changes to licenses based upon health and medical information it receives. Drivers have a right of appeal against a medical suspension or cancellation of the driver licence. They must lodge the appeal within 28 days of receiving the notice. It could be lodged online or go to a NSW Local Court. In conclusion, a structured driving rehabilitation service is needed in Hong Kong. There are no official guidelines detail the medical standards for driver licensing for use by health professionals and driver licensing authorities. Hopefully after gaining the experience in Australia, a structured driver rehabilitation services could be provided for individuals with the needs.

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