Authors (including presenting author) :
Yik WMJ(1), Law CB(1), Tang MKC(1), Wong WYS(1),Yip CH(1), Au KK(1), Lai YN(1), Mak KM(1), Cheng YY(1), Tong FH(1), Chan CL(1), Chan WLF(1), Ip KF(1), Yu SW(1), Wong WKV(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medical and Geriatrics, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
The congested ward environment, poor ward spacing and dispersed distribution of Medical and Geriatric (M&G) wards in various building blocks in Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) with increasing clinical service demand and rising patient volumes resulted in persistent high bed occupancy has signified management that the existing ward situation can no longer fulfil the service and operational needs. In order to expand the ward capacities and ensure patient and staff safety in operation, accommodation and comfort, renovation for M&G wards were approved in 2017 to dismantle post SARS isolation facility and centralize majority of M&G wards at one EF building block. This is the golden opportunity to improve ward space and address workforce to patient count by re-designing the ward bed settings, accommodation facilities and storage space through staff engagement and commitment.
Objectives :
To improve positive practice environment and quality of patient care by:
(1)Enhancing better staff working and patient accommodation environment;(2)streamlining daily operational efficiency on patient care;(3) promoting staff and patient satisfaction.
Methodology :
(1)Discuss with Facility Management Department and contractors for feasible layout design from January 2017 onwards.
(2)Set up EF block renovation mockup (1:1) in G8 hall for staff comment on ward setting, storage system and daily workflow in March 2017.
(3)Redesign the central station, medication zone, mini nurse stations, wall mount filmless stations, patient cubicles and sanitary facilities.
(4)Collect ward staff ‘s opinions and wishes on layout renovation during team building workshops in July 2017.
(5)Monitor the progress closely and the outcome of renovation works and rectify accordingly.
(6)Purchase equipment, furniture, consumables and IT facility with staff’s suggestion.
(7)Report the renovation progress in different meetings to staff for information update and better understanding.
(8)Ensure the completion of major renovation work according to the preset schedule.
(9)Conduct staff opinion survey to medical, nursing and supporting staff in ward and department meetings.
Result & Outcome :
Increased 30% (28 to 40 beds) official bed supply in each ward;Improved patient satisfaction, privacy and comfort with official bed accommodation instead of camp bed along corridor;Strengthened direct patient observation and clinical handover via mini nurse station at each patient cubicle; Better patient observation and safety during access towashroom close to nurse station;Increased 100% IT work stations for staff use;Enhanced staff operation efficiency with electronic devices provision close to patient cubicles;Assurance of storage and medication security in ward area intead of outside ward in the past;Decrease in travel distance to access ward storage via two-way ward entry within ward areas;Reduced 30% storage quantity from past overstocking in 2 wards at same floor;Aligned equipment, consumables, top up and drug storage system in all M&G wards for familiarization;Speed up medication administration processing in centralized medication zone;Positive feedback from staff and patients