Green Hospital: e-forms and e-pathway for Booking Procedures in Ward 8A, Department of Surgery, United Christian Hospital

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Authors (including presenting author) :
YEUNG PS(1), TONG WL(1), WONG KY(1), LAU SY(1), LI WQ(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Ward 8A, Department of Surgery, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
In our daily practice, nurses need to fill in many forms for documentation of patient condition. Hard copies of these forms occupy a lot of space at ward. Ward staff have to spend time to search for the needed form among numerous forms in the form cabinets. In addition, when the forms are out of stock, we have to waste time to search for it or loan from other wards. Moreover, when the forms are amended, hard copies of the old forms have to be discarded. It results in waste of papers. Some booking procedures are complicated in our ward, especially for Urology patients. Our nursing colleagues, in particular new comers, find it difficult to book the procedures or follow-up without reference. It increases the risk of making mistakes in booking procedures. Therefore, a pilot project of using e-forms and e-pathway for booking procedures in ward 8A has been carried out since July 2018.
Objectives :
1. To reduce the storage of hard copies of different forms at ward. 2. To reduce wastage of papers during forms update. 3. To facilitate nurses in booking complicated procedures.
Methodology :
1. For e-forms i. Staff preference on which forms to be uploaded on Sharepoint for easy access was collected in July 2018. ii. Total 17 forms were selected in August 2018. iii. Links of those forms were searched from the intranet. iv. Hyperlinks of related forms were inserted to a previewed image of the forms and uploaded to SharePoint under a new section of “8A e-forms/e-pathway”. 2. For e-pathway i. Staff preference on which e-pathway to be uploaded on Sharepoint was collected in July 2018. ii. Total 3 pathways were selected and outlined in August 2018. iii. Those pathways were created on Microsoft Word and hyperlinks of related forms or website were inserted. iv. The PDF version of the pathways was uploaded to SharePoint under a new section of “8A e-forms/e-pathway”. 3. Briefing sessions on using e-forms and e-pathway for booking procedures were given to ward staff in September 2018. 4. Commencement of using e-forms and e-pathway for booking procedures was in October 2018.
Result & Outcome :
All staff were satisfied with this new trial in terms of saving time and papers, particularly it is useful for the new comers when booking complicated procedures. Way forward: - To create more e-forms and e-pathway for booking procedures in the near future. - To promote to other surgical wards - Green ward->Green Department->Green Hospital

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