Staff Awareness and Focus Enhancement (SAFE) Program to Promote Occupational Safety and Health Culture in Manual Handling Operation for Supporting Colleagues in Kowloon Hospital.

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung KKL(1), Law LKK(2), Chuen KHW(2), Lau MHL(1), Chau RMW(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Physiotherapy Department, Kowloon Hospital, (2)Adminstration Division, Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
Being a caring organization, Hospital Authority (HA) is committed to enhancing Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in order to provide a safe and healthy work environment. Manual Handling Operation (MHO) is one of the major job elements which has accounted for ~17% (538 staff) of Injury on Duty (IOD) cases within HA in 2017. Hence, strategy to reduce rate of injury is notably important.
Objectives :
The program aims to promote and enhance OSH in MHO for all supporting colleagues in Kowloon Hospital (KH).
Methodology :
MHO ranked the most prevalent injury type (~24%) for IOD cases in KH in 2017. Conventional MHO training program including orientation and refreshment workshops are found to be effective yet lacking specificity & sustainability. To optimize the training effect catering for individual needs and enhance safety awareness culture of MHO for supporting colleagues in KH, the Administration Division and Physiotherapy Department has implemented a SAFE program in 2018. The SAFE program was enriched with three new components. 1. Stakeholders Feedback after individualized experience – Administrative colleagues quarterly collect feedback from supporting colleagues participants and their supervisors regarding to MHO-related matters. Moreover, comprehensive analysis of MHO-related IOD was conducted by OSH Coordinator and Physiotherapists for planning and update of target oriented training content. 2. Tailor-made video training – The video was shot at KH for real context learning & gaining affinity for staff to buy-in. Video content was designed with “down-to-earth” approach in taking references to previous relevant cases reflecting real scenario of staff activities in daily operation. Refreshment training initialized with the first phase of video training in 2Q 2018 for general supporting activities (cleansing, lifting tasks etc.) and the second phase of video training for clinical supporting activities (patient transfer) will be launched in 2Q 2019. This video will also be broadcasted daily in KH Channel (staff television communication platform in KH). 3. Pocket exercise pamphlet – A pocket-sized exercise pamphlet was produced in 4Q 2018 to encourage workplace exercise. All exercises will also be demonstrated and explained in refreshment training program.
Result & Outcome :
Implementation of the SAFE program in KH in 2Q 2018 was shown to be effective with the injury rate for MHO reduced by ~34% in 3Q 2018 after program implementation All supporting staff participants (n=134) agreed that the contents of the MHO training matched with their daily operational need and improved their MHO skill and knowledge in the feedback from evaluation form of refreshment training.

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