Join Individual Development Plan for a Meet and Greet

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Wan TK(1), Ho LF(2), Hung SY(3), Lau SF(4), Li MP(5), Ho WF(6), Mak WL(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Intensive Care Unit, Princess Margaret Hospital, (2) Medicine & Geriatrics, Princess Margaret Hospital, (3)Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Princess Margaret Hospital, (4)Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, (5) Operating Theatre & Theatre Services Centre, Princess Margaret Hospital, (6) Central Nursing Department, Princess Margaret Hospital.
Introduction :
Individual Development Plan (IDP) provides a planning process that identifies both nursing professional learning needs and organizational developmental goals. It serves as a tool to enhance knowledge and competencies of nurses conducing to improve workplace performance and enhanced organizational effectiveness. Hospital Authority Staff survey in 2016-2017 revealed that “communication”, “respect” and “recognition” are the focused developmental areas in PMH. IDPs facilitate bi-directional communication between nurses and supervisors, and ensure nurses to receive recognition and acknowledgement of their achievements as well as guidance and advice for their professional and career development. Moreover, creating an environment of open communication by IDP is essential for both attracting and retaining staff in hospital.
Objectives :
1.To promote both professional and personal growth of nurses in the workplace 2.To define the approach and framework of IDPs which specify the methods and time frame for obtaining specific skills and strengths 3.To standardize IDP guiding materials for facilitating effective communication between nurses and their supervisors
Methodology :
In order to provide a framework for communication and tailor made IDP for staff engagement, sets of IDP guiding materials were developed. Briefing sessions were conducted in PMH to introduce the IDP and delineate the roles and responsibilities of nurses and supervisors. The IDP process comprises 5 steps: 1. Pre-planning stage: nurses and supervisors carried out pre-meeting personal evaluation with the use of self-assessment tools. 2. IDP Meeting: identify the strengths, areas for improvement, interests and career goals. 3. Preparing IDP: formulate a plan for individual development. 4. Implementation and regular reviews. 5. Evaluation: evaluate the usefulness of IDPs and address any problems encountered.
Result & Outcome :
5 departments including O&G, M&G, OT, oncology and ICU with 15 nurses had piloted in developing IDPs from October 2017 to Jan 2018. The overall comment was very good. - Staff expressed that it was an opportunity for self-reflection and had a better understand of opportunities on personal, professional & specialty related development and training needs. - In comparing the rating before and after implementation: > RNs had an increase of 90% and APNs had an increase of 50% rating on “long term goals for my career advancement”. >An increase of 73% rating on “proper communication channels with supervisor to maintain rapport”. PMH IDP Taskforce was established in March 2018 for promulgation to all departments. 78.5% clinical departments had developed their IDP training roadmaps and it would be extended to all departments in 2019. To make a good start on career development, all newly graduated nurses in 2018 were invited to develop their IDP. We target to engage all nurses in future.

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