Authors (including presenting author) :
CHAK YT (1), TANG LT(1), CHAN LC(1), LAW YT (1)
Affiliation :
Department of Physiotherapy, Pok Oi Hospital
Introduction :
Staff wellbeing and occupational safety health at work is always important. Apart from providing work place risk assessment and prevention, manual handling techniques training is another crucial component in minimizing work-related musculoskeletal injury. Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong Central Elongation Exercise (XJC exercise) is a series of stretching, strengthening and relaxation exercise which contains of 13 movements. It incorporates traditional Tai Chi Qiqong and modern exercise physiology. Since 2011, Physiotherapy Department of Pok Oi Hospital had collaborated with Occupational Safety and Health Committee and different clinical departments to promote staff wellbeing by this series of exercise.
Objectives :
To investigate the effectiveness of combined manual handling techniques training and Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong Central Elongation Exercise in reduction of musculoskeletal pain and its related time-off at work.
Methodology :
A pre-test and post-test study was conducted in between May 2018 to September 2018. Subjects were staff in Tin Ka Ping Infirmary of Pok Oi Hospital. Three identical sessions of manual handling techniques training and XJC exercise were delivered. It included theory and practical components of manual handling techniques and XJC exercise. Feedback and posture correction was given immediately in the practical sessions. Staff were recommended to maintain good manual handling skills at work and continued to practise XJC exercise daily. Subjects were required to complete a questionnaire before and 3 months after the training. Outcome measures were the rate of suffering from musculoskeletal pain, numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), postural awareness and self-reported musculoskeletal pain related time-off at work.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 40 subjects participated in this study with 2.5 % clerks, 45% nurses and 52.5% patient care assistants (PCA). 85% of subjects reported they did frequent manual handling tasks at work. 62.5% of subjects described they have had incorrect posture and manual handling skills. There was significant improvement in all the outcome measures. The population who suffered from musculoskeletal pain reduced from 82.5% to 71.4%. The mean NPRS score improved from 4.18 to 3.45. The posture awareness improved from 5% not aware to none. The rate of self-reported musculoskeletal pain related time off dropped from 25% to 17.6%. There was 54% reduction in the mean of musculoskeletal pain related time-off at work. It decreased from 6.1 days to 2.8 days. In conclusion, a remarkable positive impact on posture awareness, musculoskeletal pain and it related time-off at work was achieved. The combined manual handling techniques training and Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong Central Elongation Exercise showed effective to promote staff wellbeing and maintain a stable workforce. However, small sample size was a limitation in this study. Further study with a larger sample size is required for a statistically significant result.