Promotion of Quality and Safety Culture - Implementation of Nursing Round in Surgical Ward

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Authors (including presenting author) :
KY Siu, KM Wu, SY Lau
Affiliation :
Department of Surgery, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Providing quality and safety service to patients has always been the mission of the Department of Surgery. The promotion of quality and safety culture definitely improves nursing services and patient safety. A less structured nursing round was conducted in the previous years; from 2018, a more systematic Nursing Round was formally established in a specialty surgical ward. We aim to synergize efforts to enhance nursing service quality and to discuss risk management strategies, thus to promote the quality and safety culture.
Objectives :
The Nursing Round is held to i) ensure quality and safety of nursing services ii) safeguard patient’s safety iii) enhance staff competence in providing nursing care
Methodology :
The Nursing Round is held weekly on non-call Saturdays or Sundays. All nurses participate and the following issues will be addressed: Review incidents and nearly misses to identify risks and discuss preventive measures Review and present case in a clear and systematic approach Attend the patient at bedside, discuss current nursing practices and ways to improve the nursing service Share on nursing care management among peer, analyze and interpret information Recommend improvement actions and obtain learning points for safe and quality practice Promulgate new guidelines and policies
Result & Outcome :
A total 20 sessions of Nursing Round have been conducted from March to September 2018, with an average of 10 nurses attended in each session. 29 staffs (EN, RNs, APNs and WM) were interviewed and agreed that nursing round is a good learning and sharing event to share good practice and make recommendations. An evaluation form was also distributed to staff who have participated the nursing round. All colleagues with work experience less than 2 years agreed that the nursing round enhances their surgical knowledge and nursing care skills, and improves their competencies in taking care of surgical patients. Conclusion The Nursing Round did serve and achieve it purpose in promoting quality and safety culture, to facilitate communication, and to equip the preceptees the nursing knowledge and skills to handle the specialty patients. It helps to enhance the awareness and confidence of ward nurses to provide safe and quality care to patients, and to mitigate risks that affect patient safety. To better prepare staff in managing emergency ward situation, emergency operational procedures and contingency management will also be discussed in nursing round.

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