Prospective and Randomized Comparison of Manual Syringe Aspiration Versus Self-Syringe Aspiration for Deflating Foley Catheter Balloon

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Sy YW (1), Lau KY (1), So WL (1), Lui KL (1), Kung WC (1), Chan NH (1), Li CM (1), Tang CN (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Surgery, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Urethral catheter removal can sometimes be an unpleasant and painful experience. Different deflation methods may cause the collapse of balloon membrane inflation lumen and incomplete balloon deflation. The deformed catheter balloon can be felt passing down the urethra, with some patients experiencing urethral discomfort. The two most common ways to deflate Foley catheter balloon are manual syringe aspiration and self-syringe aspiration. However, there has been limited research or investigation to support the use of which method.
Objectives :
To investigate the changes in Foley catheter balloon following deflation and removal with manual aspiration and self-syringe aspiration.
Methodology :
Patients with Fr.14 silicone coated latex Foley catheter in-situ for more than one week and planned for TWOC in Surgical day ward were recruited in the trial. Patients were excluded if they met the following criteria: 1) Cognitive and psychiatric deficits; 2) Patients have any urethral stricture; 3) Patients have undergone radical prostatectomy or 4) With signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection. After initial assessment, the patients were divided randomly into two groups: 1) Control group (Manual syringe aspiration) - Gently aspirate to withdraw the fluid from the balloon & 2) Intervention group (Self-syringe aspiration) - Do not use suction on the syringe but allow the solution to come out spontaneously. Foley catheters were removed by Urology Nurse and the following outcomes were collected after removal of Foley catheter: • Failure rate of balloon deflation • Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) for pain assessment • Time of using self-syringe aspiration or manual aspiration for balloon deflation. • Any further water (in ml) to be aspirated for intervention group after spontaneous aspiration
Result & Outcome :
Seventy-two patients (36 in intervention group: 36 in control group) were recruited to the study from 1st October 2018 to 31st December 2018. All of the Foley balloon were successfully deflated during removal. In regard to the NRS for pain assessment, the mean score of control arm was 1.06/10, the intervention group was 1.72/10 (P>0.05). The mean of time of using for balloon deflation in control arm was 8.21 seconds; compared with intervention arm was 12.13 seconds (P< 0.05). There was no further water to be aspirated at the end in intervention group. In conclusion, there is no significant different in outcomes by using two methods to deflate the Foley balloon. However, it is more time saving to deflate the Foley balloon by manual aspiration.

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