Empowering and engaging RCHEs staff in prevention of pressure injury

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan PY(1), Wong SF(1), Tam SPT(1), Leung MKE(1), Siu TS(1), Lam PL(1), Chau SW(1), Koo YY(1), Leung SLK(1), Lee YL(1), Yeung SF(1), Yeung LY(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Community Nursing Services Department, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
Introduction :
With increasing ageing population in Hong Kong, more elders who had caring problems moved to Residential Care Home for the Elderly (RCHE). Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital’s Community Geriatric Assessment Team (CGAT) served RCHEs in Wong Tai Sin region for more than 1800 residents. Pressure injury is the most important health problem at the RCHEs. Pressure injuries are frequent developed in the bedridden elderly. The healing of pressure injury is difficult for them due to they mostly have different chronic illnesses. The best strategy for pressure injury is prevention. Moreover, RCHE staff are the vital carer for them. Therefore, CGAT nurses have an important role to empower and engage RCHEs staff in prevention of pressure injuries. So, a program on prevention of pressure injury in RCHE was launched.
Objectives :
1. To empower RCHE staff knowledge and awareness on pressure injury prevention. 2. To reduce number of new developed pressure injury during reside in RCHE. 3. To enhance teamwork and improve communication between RCHE staff and CGAT nurses. 4. To gain job satisfaction of RCHE staff and CGAT nurses.
Methodology :
A working group was set up for prevention of pressure injury in RCHE program. 1. Update pressure injury care information and regular in service training was provided to CGAT nurses. 2. Tailor-made on-site training for RCHE staff on prevention of pressure injury in RCHE was conducted. 3. Pre and post knowledge assessment for RCHEs staff on prevention of pressure injury. 4. Monitor for pressure injuries developed in RCHE. 5. Encourage RCHE staff to communicate with CGAT nurses for prevention of pressure injury care problems and provide immediate support. 6. Case conference in weekly basis and consult supervisors for advice for difficult cases.
Result & Outcome :
The program objectives were achieved. Firstly, updated information on prevention of pressure injury and in service training was provided to CGAT nurses. Secondly, education talks on prevention of pressure injury in RCHE were conducted in RCHEs. There were 154 RCHE staff attended the education talks. The pre and post pressure injuries care knowledge test of RCHE staff were increased from 78.56 to 95.75%. Other than that, the pressure injuries developed in RCHE was decreased for 71.83%. Moreover, 141 satisfaction surveys (91.56%) received from RCHE staff and all of them agreed that the program can update their care knowledge and help their daily work. Thus, RCHE residents were benefited. Furthermore,communication between RCHE staff and CGAT nurses enhanced. All CGAT nurses agreed that their knowledge were enhanced. Their communication skills also improved. They gained job satisfaction.

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