Authors (including presenting author) :
Tang LN(1),Ma CY(1),Lau ML(1),Tam YY(1),Lui KY(1),Cheng KK(1),Tong MY(1),Choy KK(1),Yue SS(1),Chan OL(1),Yung CY(1),Ng YB(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Timely diagnosis and early specialized interventions to dementia patients is provided by the Integrated Cognitive Assessment Clinic (ICAC) in United Christian Hospital (UCH) since 2013. The new role as a caregiver is always challenging. Their difficulties are caused by lack of knowledge regarding proper use and titration of medications for dementia, coping skill of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), home safety issues and missing follow-up appointment. Therefore, a phone call follow-up service has been launched to keep track of those safety issues and enhance continuity of care across hospital and community.
Objectives :
To facilitate dementia patient care in the community and enhance the compliance to dementia treatment
Methodology :
Post –clinic phone call program was commenced in ICAC by trained cognitive nurses since Jan 2013 using standard template that focused on understanding of proper use of medication of dementia, coping skill of BPSD, identifying and managing of home safety issues and reminding the next cognitive follow-up appointment. Selection criteria includes patients with newly start or recent titration of anti-dementia drug, patients with BPSD and caregiver with stress. A proactive phone call was made to the caregivers two weeks after clinic follow up. Subsequent calls would be made if further follow up is required. For some patients with adverse effect of dementia drug or worsening of BPSD, discussion with specialist for management plan, medication titration and advanced follow-up would be provided.
Result & Outcome :
Between Jan 2013 and Jan 2019, 1220 patient’s caregivers were recruited into the program. At the time of data analysis, 12% subjects were found inappropriate use of dementia drug or patch. 15% had side effect of taking dementia drug. 10% had worsening of BPSD and required further management. However, no case was admitted due to the same reason within 28-day post-clinic visiting. On the other hand, 100% caregiver showed satisfaction towards the program. Most of them expressed the sense of safety if they were provided with phone call support.