Fostering a train-the trainer program to improve regular exercise behavior in patients with diabetes

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Research evidence consistently supports the benefits of exercise in people living with diabetes. In addition, regular exercise is crucial for enhancing overall sense of well-being, which eventually can help to improve many other health conditions. However, patients may find it difficult to initiate exercise activity and persevere the habit. Therefore, a train-the trainer exercise program was promulgated in our Hospital to facilitate patients to establish exercise behavior and perform safe and appropriate exercise practice.


The program aimed to equip Diabetes Exercise Dance Ambassadors through a train-the trainer program. On the other hand, the trained ambassadors conducted Diabetes Exercise Dance classes under staff supervision. As a result, both ambassadors and patients could enjoy the benefit and fun of exercising together.


A structured exercise training program was managed by multi-disciplinary professionals. Before the exercise class, participants would be educated on practical issues related to diabetes and exercise, such as preventive measures, calorie counting and proper foot wear. In addition to knowledge delivery, the exercise ambassadors were also empowered to be the leader of running the exercise dance. A Diabetes Chair Dance DVD incorporated meaningful lyrics and delightful melody was employed to guide the training on dancing steps and movements. Pre and 6-week post exercise behavior and knowledge were evaluated.

Results & Outcome

A total of 9 Diabetes Dance Ambassadors (Female = 7, mean age 60 year) and 61 diabetes patients (Female = 42, mean age 66 year) were trained. Post evaluation showed that exercise knowledge was significantly improved by 50%. It was encouraging to notice that 62% of the attendees could maintain at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week. After the program, the participants mentioned they found it easier and were more keen to perform regular exercise. In conclusion, through this innovative approach, a structured Diabetes Exercise Program was successfully launched to encourage patients with diabetes to have regular exercise behavior. Long term benefit on metabolic control should be monitored and continuing evaluation to assess the sustaining effect is also essential. We would like to give special acknowledgement to Hospital Authority Charitable Foundation for funding support of this program.



Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
KWAN JJ (1), FUNG FHK (2), LAM ANS (3), FAN JCK(4), HUEN WY (5), LEUNG SM(1), CHAN ESK (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Centre for Diabetes Education and Management, (2), Physiotherapy Department, (3) Dietetic Department, (4) Podiatry Department, (5) Central Nursing Division, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital

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