Establish an efficient Cloud management platform for physiotherapy equipment with QR code

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Tracy Tang WS, Cody Li WS, Roy Leung SK, Donald Yeung TL, Cherry Chung CW
Affiliation :
Physiotherapy Department,Yan Chai Hospital
Introduction :
There are over 300 electrotherapy modalities in physiotherapy department which would be applied to patients daily. An effective and efficient management is critical to ensure safe and effective daily services delivery. A Cloud management platform linked with QR codes to individual equipment is established.
Objectives :
Establish a Cloud management system to: 1. Track New equipment purchased and existing equipment relocation in three department locations in YCH due to services’ needs; 2. Store equipment manuals softcopy; 3. Update information for each machine instantly; 4. Able to access and retrieve the machines information instantly; 5. Reduce paper in filing the machines information with e-stoaage and organization.
Methodology :
1. Started a massive stock-taking and updates of machines’ manuals, patients’ precautions, cleansing, checking procedures and maintenance status since May 2017; 2. Use google drive to create a cloud platform to store, update and share the information; 3. Link up Cloud content to corresponding machine with QR code; 4. Use whatsapp ‘你今日嘟左未?’ to advertise regular scan of machine QR code to both professional and supporting staff by using their own smart phone;
Result & Outcome :
1. Instant access to manuals and patients’ precaution  Encourage staff to review;  Improve safety and proper utilization of equipment; 2. Instant equipment information retrieval  Facilitate equipment repair and maintenance;  Facilitate staff communication;  Facilitate procurement process; 3. Minimize not updated information  All QR codes information will be automatically updated with Cloud platform; 4. Centralize machines information in Cloud and minimize hard copies to save space and paper. Outcome: 1. Questionnaire for staff feedback. 2. Number of scans of machines QR code quarterly. 3. Number of incidents regarding machines mal-utilization and mal-function.

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