Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan H, Tsang CC, Wong CK, Shea YL, Hu SF
Affiliation :
Physiotherapy Department, MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre, HKWC
Introduction :
A new equipment management system with QR code, internet storage and Google forms has been started in Physiotherapy Department, MMRC since 2017. It allows instant access to equipment manuals, quotations, full inventory records, real-time paperless maintenance records and safety precautions of the equipment. There are almost one hundred exercise and electrotherapy equipment in Physiotherapy Department requiring daily checking, regular maintenance and storage of their manual, which is difficult to maintain efficiency in timely update and retrieval of the large amount of hard copies. The efficiency of repair and replacement is also affected, posing potential risk on equipment safety. Our new system is in line with recent developments in equipment management to improve efficiency in repair and replacement and electronic equipment checking records.
Objectives :
1. Instant access to manuals, quotations, inventory and maintenance records
2. Improve equipment safety and efficiency in repair and replacement
3. Simplify recording in equipment checking with electronic forms
4. Enhance paperless culture
Methodology :
A free cloud storage space in Google drive was set up to contain all equipment information. Existing hard copy of manuals, quotations, user precautions and maintenance records of each equipment were manually scanned and stored in Google drive. E-copies of updated versions were also retrieved online. An individualized QR code sticker was given to each equipment. Scanning with smart phone would give direct access to the Google drive folder containing all equipment information (with password protection). Electronic equipment checking record was made by Google forms for staff to carry out daily checking easily using smart phone. Data was saved in excel files, which enabled easy retrieval, minimized storage and time used in recording.
Result & Outcome :
1.Average time needed for retrieval of an equipment manual, quotation and full inventory record: Pre: 30 minutes
Post: 1 minute
2.Percentage of equipment with existing manual ready for retrieval: Pre: 60%
Post: 80%
3.Percentage of staff who can retrieve equipment manuals and quotations within 15 minutes upon request: Pre: 25%
Post: 100% Our new equipment management system using QR code is effective in improving efficiency in equipment maintenance, repair and replacement. It also promotes safe and proper use of equipment in the department.