Enhancing Quality of Care to Patients by Adopting Wireless Portable Nurse Call System

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chiu LKO (1),Liu YW (1), Tong WCM (4), Chan CM (3), Cheung HW (2), Mak YMK (5), Ho PYB (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Central Nursing Division, Prince of Wales Hospital
(2) Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital
(3) Central Nursing Division, Alice Ho Mui Ling Nethersole Hospital & Tai Po Hospital
(4) Department of Medicine, North District Hospital
(5) Infirmary Disabled Unit & Infirmary Unit, Shatin Cheshire Home
Introduction :
Over past few years, rapid increase in service demand and high bed occupancy is always an issue for hospitals. To cope with high admissions, use of extra beds in wards is common. However, it has been a big challenge for nurses especially lack of proper call bell which will affect patient safety and create dissatisfaction. There is high risk of falls and occasionally conflicts between staff and patients. In view of this, nurses have tried different calling means and finally introduced a wireless portable nurse call system to NTEC hospitals in 2017, which is highly appreciated by both staff and patients.
Objectives :
Enhancing quality of care to patients in extra beds by improving communication and address patients’ needs timely, and promoting patient safety and create a positive practice environment.
Methodology :
1. A cluster workgroup was formed to collect the requirements and work out features of a wireless portable nurse call system.
2. System requirements include: a) nurses are able to identify patient’s location immediately once the system is activated; b) nurses can reset the call at patient bedside, c) the system is user-friendly for patients; d) no major construction works required and e) not costly.
3. A central monitoring unit and pairs of nurse call and reset buttons are provided. Staff could identify patient’s location directly through the number displayed in the unit, and reset the call by reset button. After installation, it provides significant improvement in offering timely assistance to patients in extra beds. 4. Staff and patient satisfaction survey on the system was conducted during February 2018.
Result & Outcome :
The survey was conducted in total of 98 wards within NTEC hospitals. Average response rate from staff and patient was 93.4% and 80.2%, respectively. 88% staff was satisfied with the system, and 79% agreed that it could enhance communication with patients in extra beds. Furthermore, over 90% of patients were satisfied with the system, and 90% strongly agreed that it could improve their communication between staff. Results showed that it is a successful project that can enhance patient communication and safety.

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