One-time Health Education Program for Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Patient to Enhance Self Angina Management

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Yu KH(1), Leung YW(1), Yeung CM(1), Yue CS(1), Chow KS(1), Ng YB(1), Tang SK(2).
Affiliation :
(1)Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital, (2)Nursing Service Division, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Angina is a common symptom of coronary heart disease (CHD). Glyceryl trinitrate (TNG) is a standard treatment for angina pain control. It can relax and dilate coronary arteries, which increases blood supply to the heart muscle and thus relieves angina. It is therefore essential that patients who experience anginal pain have a good knowledge of TNG in order to promote their autonomy and self‑care and to decrease complications. However, it is uncertain about the proportion of patients with ACS /AMI or their caregivers who have adequate knowledge of angina management and use of TNG.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Health Education Program was implemented in an acute regional hospital. The aim of this program was to improve the knowledge of angina management and use of TNG in ACS / MI patients in general Medical and Geriatric wards.
Objectives :
1.To analyze patients’ knowledge of angina management and use of TNG before the program.
2.To evaluate the improvement in this area after the program.
Methodology :
1.Eligible ACS/AMI patients who were mentally capable and their caregivers were screened from general ward referrals and recruited.
2.Education was offered including knowledge of angina management and use of TNG by using leaflets.
3.Pre- and post-education quizzes would be used for evaluation.
Result & Outcome :
Total 707 patients or their caregivers were given the education and completed the pre- and post-education quizzes, including 362 males and 345 females: aged from 42 to 100 with mean age 78; about 20% with secondary education level or above.
23.1% (n=163) of the patients or their caregivers had the knowledge of angina management before health education. 97% (n=686) of them had this knowledge with an increase of 73.9% after health education.
21.4% (n=151) of the patients or their caregivers had the knowledge of use of TNG before health education., 98% (n=693) of them had this knowledge with an increase of 76.6% after health education.
92.4% (n=653) of them felt that this program was very helpful for improving their knowledge of angina management and use of TNG.
Finally, the 1-year mortality rate (MI related) was 4.4% (n=31) which compared to the rate about 10% in 2014 to 2016, there was about 5.6% improvement after this program began. The improved early symptom-detection and management might contribute to the reduction.
Our findings reflected that patients usually have limited knowledge about angina management and the appropriate use TNG. The outcome demonstrated the benefit of health education from Cardiac Rehabilitation Program in improving the knowledge of angina management and use of TNG in ACS /AMI patients in general wards. Moreover, the improved early symptom-detection and management after this program might contribute to the reduction in the 1-year mortality rate (MI related).

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