Outreach Injection Kit

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Kitty Woo (1), Lai YL (1), Mok OL (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine & Geriatrics, Pok Oi Hospital
Introduction :
In M&G wards, patients required I.V. drug sedation during CT scan is common. In order to facilitate injection for patient outside ward area and enhance patient safety, an outreach injection kit is designed for nurse runner use in M&G, POH in January 2019.
Objectives :
-To facilitate health care staff to perform I.V. injection for patients outside ward area
-Enhance proper storage of I.V. drug during patient escort
-To provide a ready-to-use kit for nurse runners use out of ward area
Methodology :
An outreach injection kit is designed for injection outside ward area such as CT suite. This kit contains all commonly used equipment for injection including (1) I.V. drug storage box
(1) Drug additive label
(2) NS flush label
(3) 3ml/ 10ml/ 20ml Syringe
(4) Sterile needle
(5) Normal saline
(6) Alcohol pad
(7) Micropore
(8) Tegaderm
(9) Kidney dish
This kit enhances proper storage of I.V. drug during patient escort. Also, it facilitates health care staff to perform I.V. injection in CT suite and thus enhance patient safety.
Result & Outcome :
Outreach injection kit is used in all M&G wards in POH since 1st January 2019. Comment from all nursing staff is positive. Nurses agree that the outreach injection kit can facilitate proper storage of I.V. drug and injection in CT suite. It can smoothen patient care and subsequent safety out of ward area.

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