Enhancement of Portering Support to Radiology Department (since Dec 2017)

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Kwok WY (1), Lo YH(1), Cheung TC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Supporting Services Department, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Feedback was received from Radiology Department in November 2017 that patients were not sent to the special examinations in a timely manner, especially the first case in the morning session. The special examination service was thus idled while waiting for arrival of patients. A number of problems, including under-utilization of the functions of Automatic Dispatch System (ADS) and insufficient portering manpower to cover the demand in early morning were identified.
Objectives :
To enhance the logistics and manpower arrangement of patient portering service in order to improve the punctuality of special radiological examination cases in the early morning period.
Methodology :
Special examination services that require high punctuality were identified and given priority in ADS so that the first case of each service could arrive on time. Duty hours of part-time staff were adjusted so as to cover the period from 08:30 to 09:00, if manpower condition allowed. Additional portering manpower was submitted in the annual plan as a long-term improvement measure. Appointment time was scheduled 15 mins earlier for the 9:00am appointments on the appointment slip to wards by Radiology Department to allow time for patient portering. Wards are regularly reminded to allow sufficient time for patient portering when making ADS orders for special radiology service, and to make use of the advance booking function when making orders for scheduled appointment cases.
Result & Outcome :
With the implementation of the improvement measures, punctuality of patient portering service for Radiology’s special examination cases has improved. Before: In Nov 2017 (except Sat, Sun, PH & SH), only 39% of the orders for the special examination cases in the period 08:00 to 10:00 were dispatched to porters within 15 mins. After: From Dec 2017 to Dec 2018 (except Sat, Sun, PH & SH), 81% of the orders were dispatched to porters within 15 mins.

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