A Two-days Orientation and Mentorship Program for Nursing Students in ENT & OPH Ward, Tuen Mun Hospital to enhance clinical supervision and competency of basic nursing skills in their clinical practicum

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Tang WHR(1)(2), Chan KM(1)(2), Cheng WM(1)(2), Chan WS(1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of ENT, Tuen Mun Hospital
(2)Department og OPH, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
In view of recent clinical incidents related to nursing care provided by nursing students in other hospitals. Insufficient clinical supervision on nursing students and incompetency of nursing care provided may lead to significant patient harms. Thus, an effective Two-days Orientation and Mentorship Program for nursing students is decided to enhance clinical supervision and safe nursing care delivered.
Objectives :
(1) To facilitate nursing students more adapt to ward environment and routines by introducing ward orientation, roles of nursing students, professional behavior and appearance; (2) to minimize patient harms by introducing lists of high risk nursing procedure that were not allowed to perform by nursing students; (3) to equip nursing students with specialty nursing knowledge related to otorhinolaryngology and ophthalmology; (4) to empower nursing students’ basic nursing skills by continuous clinical coaching snd assessments.
Methodology :
A qualitative study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the Two-days Program. A Pre and Post questionnaire was distributed to nursing students before and after enrolling the Two-days Orientation and Mentorship Program. At the beginning two days of nursing students’ clinical practicum, ward orientation and lists of high risk procedures that were not allowed to perform would be introduced by APN. A Two-days named clinical mentor was assigned for nursing students. Within the two days, specialty nursing care relating otorhinolaryngology and ophthalmology would be highlighted by clinical mentor. Various basic nursing skills such as admission of patients, NG tube feeding, H’stix monitoring, escort patient to and from OT; would be coached and assessed accordingly. An on-going mentor would be assigned to follow and monitor nursing students’ performance after the Two-days Program during their practicum.
Result & Outcome :
From Jun 2017 to Sep 2018, 28 nursing students were participated in the program and one of them dropped off. It was shown that they gained more confidence to perform various basic nursing skills (from pre mean score 3.6 to post mean score 4.45). 100% of nursing students rated at 4 or above out of 5 in the areas of ‘Ward Orientation is useful’; ‘The Program is well-structured’ and ‘The Program is helpful to the clinical practicum’. 96.3% of them rated at 4 or above as ‘The content is fruitful and informative’. In conclusion, the Two-days Orientation and Mentorship Program is effective in enhancing clinical supervision of nursing students as well as their competency of basic nursing skills. Hence, quality and safe patient care delivered is assured.

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