Enhanced Compliance of Selection and Correct Application of TED among Frontline Ward Staff in Audit with Physiotherapy Designed Measuring Tool and Practical Training Workshops

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lau KK(1), Chen YO(1), Ho KY(1), Lam KW(1), Tong KC(1), Weng WN(1), Tse OH(2), Yip ML(2), So HM(3), Mok LC(4), Ng KW(1), Wan SY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Physiotherapy, Department of Surgery(2), Department of Intensive Care(3), Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology(4) Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Physiotherapists (PT) and frontline ward staff play a key role in the non-pharmacological management of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Active mobilization and proper application of graduated compression stockings (TED) are the fundamental measures. Improper size or application of TED did more harm than good to patient. A user-friendly and handy measuring tape with inherited QR-code linked education videos were designed by PT department to facilitate the correct application and selection of TED stockings among nurses and healthcare workers.
Objectives :
1. To facilitate the correct selection and application of TED with PT designed TED measuring tape and the inherited QR code-linked education videos 2. To evaluate the compliance of selection and application of TED among the frontline ward staff
Methodology :
Department-specific training programmes comprising of theoretical and practical sessions were conducted from November 2017 to June 2018. Pre- and post-training written/ practical tests, questionnaire and 3 months post-training audit were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme.
Result & Outcome :
Nine training sessions were conducted. A total of 76 staff attended the training and completed written/ practical test. Results showed statistically significant improvement on pre-and post-test scores from 73% to 89% (p< 0.05, Paired T-test). 95% of the participants agreed that the programme and the PT designed tape measure with QR code-linked education videos helped to improve their confidence in correct selection and application of TED stocking (mean score: 8.8/10). Regarding the 3 months post-programme audit, total of 50 patients were selected; the accuracy of selection of appropriate size was 93% and the application compliance was 96% respectively. Among those attended the training, 93% of the participants found PT designed tape measure useful and has 100% usage in daily work.
The PT designed measuring tape facilitated a more accurate selection of TED stocking to the patients and the QR code-linked videos encouraged the on-site revision of the techniques. The tape is also shared to other physiotherapy department within the cluster to promote correct usage of TED stockings for frontline staff.

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