Authors (including presenting author) :
Yung KT(1), Cheng YCA(1), Ho MW(1), Cheung SSS(1), Wong PH(1), Mok LC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Traditional mode of patient education is usually in written format as pamphlets or verbally delivered by healthcare professionals. However, low health literacy level of patients or carers may not be able to understand loads of health information simply by reading and listening. It is crucial to reduce the literacy demand of health education. Nowadays, widespread ownership of smartphones in Hong Kong offers tremendous potential to integrate multimedia resources into patient education to enforce written information and to present health information with audio-visual features by using electronic mobile devices.
Objectives :
1)To facilitate patient education in disease management by using electronic mobile devices 2)To improve the cost-effectiveness of patient education programme by electronization of education materials
Methodology :
Since January 2014, the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology in PYNEH has implemented patient education programmes, including gouty arthritis and patient empowerment on dressing. Education videos were produced to deliver disease information and illustrate disease management. Eligible patients and their carers were offered a video show with different audio-visual formats using electronic mobile devices. Patient satisfaction surveys were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the mode of education using electronic mobile devices and regular working group meetings were also held to review the patient education programme.
Result & Outcome :
Positive feedbacks were collected during working group meetings. Electronization of patient education materials were concluded to be beneficial as follows: 1)Electronic mobile devices are easy to operate. 2)Contents of education materials can be prepared in different multimedia formats, which can facilitate transmission of health information. 3)Less paper is used for patient education and electronic contents are easier to be modified with low cost. Multimedia resources are therefore more environmentally friendly than traditional paper materials. 4)Consistency of health information delivered by electronic mobile devices can be guaranteed. Over 700 patients and carers were recruited since implementation of programmes. All patients and carers agreed that the education video enhanced their knowledge and understanding about their disease. Comments were also received from patients and carers, who suggested for portable retrieval of education videos. Further enhancement of patient education programmes will be launched in 1Q2019. QR codes will be developed and offered to them. Electronic education materials can be repeatable, which allow navigation when necessary by patients or carers. In the long run, “Paperless” will be the ultimate goal of dissemination of health message.